why communism is so popular in all over the worldactiont deep explanationmost of the ideologies which came into this world onlyvery few had a deep explanation of their theorystep by step actionable stepthis ideologies were stop expotation of workersmKarl Marks private entity concept is false hewasn't against capitalist he was against the systemhe delivered trun private entity into public entityby voilence revolution now marks used to think you don't need to do anythrevelation will come anyway but it won'the thoughtcapitalism Advancecapitalism violentrevolution Socialismexploationf stateommunisumbut it didn't happen then Lenin came into picturein USSRnow he was trying to influence people for reveluit happend but ended up in dictatorshipNow marks was in full need by Hegal cause heused to talk about Dialectics ideaidea counter Beth Zasuthat Countera ish Saleveryright to property HegalHe 7 8D is the ultimate ideait moves on whishes of gods adrefectionnon living things living things1Iwhy gandhiji were path of nonviolence ethicsAnswers were hidden in higal's z law of diet eatshere was a long lactone of god which in my opiniondoesn't make any sense or I cound't understandMASEI COMMINEI