The Cell Cycle Cornell Notes :P
mitosis t cytokenesis
QUESTIONS cellcyclegrowthpatternduplication anddivisioninterphase G S G mitosis
describe the G cell isbeing anormalcellspendsmostof its timeheremust pass checkpoint
differencebetween s secondstagemakes a copy of itsnuclearDiva at the end it contains 2Diva sets
G and Oz also Oz thirdstagenormalfunctions and moregrowthdoublechecks everything
mitosisdivision ofnucleus nuclearmembrane disoives twonucleiform
have in common cytokenesis dividesthe cell cytoplasm makes 2 daughtercells
prokaryoticcellsdividemuchfasterthan eukaryotic cellsbecausethey are different
compaire and celldivision is directly linked towhenyourbodyneedscellsandwherethe cells are bad
contrast the stages cellsizeislimitedwhichdepends on cellgrowthand division
in mitosis nowdo chromosome Dnathreadmade of manygenes and regulatory information cellshave46
thesestages look chromosomes gofromspaghetti interphase to tightly condensed mitosis
under a microscope chromatin the losespaghetti phaseDNAwrapsaroundhistones
hypothesize what interphase prepairsthe celltodivideduplicatesorganellesDnareplication at the end it
would happen if has a fullDNAsets and islargeenough todivide
spindle fibers were mitosisdividesnucleusidentically with a full set of DNA has multiplephases
not in the cell prophasechromatincondensesnucleusbreaksdownanddisappearsspindlefibersgrow
impact the phases ANAPHASEchromatidseparates spindlefibers pull theprotiens x
TELOPHASE new protiensets go to oppositecellends and nuclearmembrane forms
cytokinesis divides into separate cells completes thecellcycle diffrent in plant
and animal cells with the different membranes
yepdaughter cells
80855 I
SUMMARY somethings I learned are thatmitosis is responsible for the division of thenuclei that after
mitosis cytokinesis separates thecells and that celldivison is dependent on if more cells are needed
two things I thought were interesting are that cells can go through the cell cycle multipole times
and now replicated cells are called daughter cells one question I still have is what tells the cell
to replicate or docells knowbythemselvesand if so now