iifHERPOV: ur me, comes back to the gallery after like,what was it? 3 months and has soooo manynotifications 😫 I’m so sorry for leaving all of uguys I just had a bunch going on in my life, ourdog mochi got sick, my older sister is going tocollege soon and other stuff I’m really reallysorry for not being active 😭 but the thing thatmakes me the most sad is that my 2 daughtersare leaving notability 😭 not forever but yk :( soto dezi and bid (@dezera and @noodledoodle) ilysm and I love ur art sm and never stop being thpeople u are ur awesome and i respect ur decisionjust make sure to say hi to me every once in awhile *sob*I hope to be posting soon but I’ve had art block and I don’t reallyknow what my style is anymore so 8m trying to find that 🥲 butI love everyone else’s art as well and I’ve followed a bunch ofother people as well :) Tysm for the people who still followed meand supported me when I wasn’t the best at anything, beingactive and art lol enjoy some small doodles I made and have anice day ✨ I’ll post more soon I promise but I need another wayof connecting with u guys, lmk if u have any ideas :)