French Revolution (Napoleon)
Napoleon seizes power
military background
1795- defended the new national convention from royalists- hailed as savior of new French
1796- led successful military expeditions against Austria, italy, and Sardinia
1799- coup d’état “blow to the state”
Nov. 1799 uses troops to surround legislature and dissolve directory. Established three
consul government
1800- plebiscite- “vote of the people” -approves new constitution and napoleon as first
Set up efficient tax collection and national bank
Lycées- gov’t run public schools
Concordat (agreement) with pope pit’s VII
Recognized power of church- but kept it out of national affairs
Napoleonic code
Uniform set of laws
Eliminated injustices
Promoted order and authority over individual rights
Limited freedom of speech and press
Restored slavery in Caribbean
Napoleon crowned as emperor
December 2 1804- crowned emperor by pope
Napoleon asserts himself more powerful than pope and church
Loss of American territories
Saint Dominguez (Haiti)
African people battled for independence
Failiure for french
Louisiana purchase
1803- $15 million- sold louisiana territory to Thomas jeff and America
Two benefits for french 1) money for war 2) harm the British and benefit the US
The french empire
1812- only parts of europe free of french control+ Britain, Portugal, and sweeden
Russia, Prussia, and and Austria all have strong connections to france
Puppet governments- person from another country controlled by another leader
Empire= huge, but unstable
Napoleons mistakes
Continental system (1806)
Failed attempt to crush Britain’s economy
Peninsula war
Failed invasion of Spain and Portugal
Napoleons brother, Joseph, placed as king of Spain
300,000 french troops dead
Invasion of russia
Went during the winter and died lol
Alexander I, scorched earth policy, as we retreat we burn all crops
425,000 troops enter, only 10,000 leave one year later
napoleons downfall
Britian, russia, Prussia, Sweeden all ally against France
Napoleon organises new army but fails and gets exiled to Elba
Napoleon shows back up surprise
100 days in france
Tries to conquer europe
Battle at Waterloo in Belgium June 18 1815
Quickly defeated
Exiled again to st Helena
The congress of Vienna
8 months of meetings among European powers to establish security and stability in europe
5 “great powers”, russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, france
Klemens von Metternich
Foreign minister of Austria
Believed napoleon was a result of experiments in democracy
three goals at congress of Vienna
Prevent future french agression (surround it with strong countries)
Balance of power (no country more powerful than others)
Restore absolute monarchies to the throne