My parents don’t trust me, I feel lonely all the time, Im that friend that bottles up all their feelings andgo home to scream into a pillow, I used to SH but I’m clean, I have doodles all over my hands andarms, I LLL music, I constantly fight with my parents, I want to run away, I want to escape reality, Ihate school, I love the woods, I can’t ever fall asleep until 12 or 1 in the morning, I’m mentally ill anddepressed, I hate going to therapy so I don’t tell my parents anything that’s bothering me enough towhere they’d have to send me to therapy, I hate my life, my friends are the only thing keeping me onearth, I zone out too often now, I keep overthinking ever little thing, Im about to fail every class, Ilock myself in my room just to be alone and away from my parents but they don’t like that, I hate mybody, I hate when people call me she, I hate my dead name,