Demonym: Elanian
Government Type: Mageocracy
Capital City: Aspliy
Demonym: Aspliyian
Other Cities: Hiledere, Trellop, Iwhes, Preres, Xines, and Hertecygnus
Bordering Countries and regions
A narrow sea and neighbouring country Nou beyond to the North,
a narrow sea and neighbouring country Crini beyond to the East,
neighbouring country Win to the South, and
a wide mountain range that crosses the border of neighbouring country Unorma beyond to the West.
Area: 1,083,867 sq mi / 2,807,202.64 sq km (Massive Land)
The land is predominantly covered in marshland,
with fertile grassland to the North
and volcanically-active land to the North-East.
The weather is usually warm and cloudy.
Population: 158,244,582 (158.2 Million approx) (50% male, 50% female)
Population Density: 146 people per sq mile (Moderate)
Life expectancy: Male: 92 years, Female: 111 years
Average children per family: 1
Population Density: 73% urban, 19% suburban, 8% rural.
Ethnic Groups:
75% Indigenous population, 3% Actively invading nationals, 21% Distant-origin migrants, 1% Nomadic peoples
Languages: There is 1 official language, with 1 others spoken.Religious Beliefs:
14% Major religion,
24% Minor religion,
10% Agnostic,
52% Atheist.
Total Military Personnel: 2,747,040 (1.7% of the total population).
Active Military: 803,703 (0.51% of the total population).
Maximum Military Manpower: 15,262,031 (9.64% of the total population).
This is the total amount of able bodied citizens who could take up arms if necessary, regardless of age, sex and military
They have not been in any major conflicts for a very long time.
They have a defensive pact with 1 other country.
Their military equipment is modern and effective.
Military service is not mandatory.
Unemployment rate: 10% of the population is unemployed.
Poverty rate: 9% of the population lives in poverty.
Literacy rate: 96% of the population can read and write.
They are technologically advanced but restrict access to worldwide communications networks.
Resources: Elan is rich in natural resources, particularly:
1 - Helium,
2 - Salt,
3 - Sulfur,
4 - Iron,
5 - Pumice, and
6 - Nickel.
Elan is well known for its furniture style, textiles, building style, vocal style, and hair styles
Their craftsmanship is very fine. Elanian fabrics have a global influence, shaping the fashion industry. Elanian buildings often
draw inspiration from local folklore and mythology. Their songs commonly feature shrieking vocals. The Elanian men prefer short
and practical hairstyles. Their people are often stereotyped as being aggressive, and attentive.
3 types of coin:
Tinaped (Copper) |
Prine (Brass) |
Blenoni (Silver)
(1) Tinaped
(1) Prine = (17) Tinapeds
(1) Blenoni = (25) Prines or (425) Tinapeds
For Reference
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: (1) Tinaped======
Food and provisions: (120) Tinaped / (7) Prine.
Rent and/or taxes: (28) Prine / (1.11) Blenoni.
Misc: (28) Prine / (1.11) Blenoni.
Total: (62) Prine / (2.49) Blenoni.
A peasant farmer's earnings: (142) Prine / (5.66) Blenoni.
An average citizen's earnings: (178) Prine / (7.13) Blenoni.
A house; cramped but adequate: (22,650) Tinaped / (1,332) Prine.
A house; average for a peasant: (249,150) Tinaped / (14,656) Prine.
A "cheap" luxury house/mansion: (70,348) Prine / (2,813.93) Blenoni.
A room and meal at an inn: (64) Tinaped / (4) Prine.
A basic horse and its trappings: (436) Prine / (17.44) Blenoni.
A week's travelling provisions: (96) Tinaped / (6) Prine.