Vent (typed)
I had to type it out… if you don’t wanna see me vent just skip the note
Basically what I wanted to tell you guys is when you guys are in the comments and Im trying to
gure out who the agger is (cause nota can’t do it themselves) it doesn’t help when you guys say
stu like oh but I’m not the agger because I signed this because just cause you signed something
doesn’t necessarily mean your not the agger cause you either have to do something about it or
stop getting mad at me FOR doing something about it… cause you guys should know by now after
how many things we’ve signed to try to get peoples banned accounts back that it just doesn’t
work… it really doesn’t… nota doesn’t care about that stu… you guys gotta stop thinking thats just
gonna x everything… cause it’s not… and when you guys go to the extent of yelling at me because
I think you’re a possible suspect… 1. I have reasons for it, are they the best reasons… no, but are
they more than what you guys have?… yeah probably… so you guys really just gotta stop… Im
doing this whether you like it or not… don’t take this the wrong way but I’m not doing this for you Im
doing this for Luna, hutch, and a few others… so if you guys really miss Luna that much… then you
gotta stop getting mad at me in the comments… like it just doesn’t help at all… like Im sorry but it
really doesn’t…