Is this a good short story
Mr.Linden’s Library
By Mikayla Guenther
September 15, 2023
Part 1
He had warned her about the book. Now it was too late. Two days before this tragic event, Alex found herself
searching for interesting books to read. Her “friend”, Anna, had suggested Alex check out the old library on
Main Street. Anna had told her there were tons of books on gardening, and she was certain Alex would find
what she was looking for.
She got to the library, she was looking for a gardening book and she found the section with them. She was
surprised to find a book on vines. She was so happy to find it. Little did she know the book was haunted. She
got home and ate dinner with her family. They had chicken Alfredo with an oregano garnish and salad with
some caesar dressing.
Alex went to her bedroom and got into her pajamas as well as her slippers, put the book on her nightstand
and got in bed. She picked up the book once more and looked at the cover. She saw vines all over the cover of
the book. Alex opened the book and started to read. She was so excited about reading the book that she did not
realize what Mr. Linden had told her. Mr. Linden told her all the books were dangerous in his library and he
was going to close it soon because of this, however, she did not believe what he had told her and got the book
anyway. In ignoring the old man, she had unwittingly unleashed something terrible upon her family.
She was on a page covered in vines and she stared at the page in the book for a bit of time. As she stared,
she saw bits of movement from under the pages. She was confused by this as books don’t usually tend to move.
Not only did she see movement, she could hear tearing noises coming from the pages. She realized with terror
that there were bits and pieces of vines coming out of the pages. She dropped the book, and screamed.
Her parents ran into the room and their daughter was being choked by vines. As they entered the room to
help her, she had passed. The vines reached away from her and went after the parents. The neighbors heard the
screaming and called the police. Anna was outside, smiling ever so softly as she heard the screams of terror
coming from Alex’s parents. She had done her task well, and she was proud of that fact.
Anna went into the house and took the book after the vines had Settled. She took the book to another library,
a public one in town where another poor soul would fall victim to the book's cruelty. She had made sure to take
almost the exact same book from a different library so she could turn this one in to make it look like it was the
right book at the library . She had returned the non-haunted book to the haunted library so that Mr. Linden
cannot tell the difference between the two books. Anna slinked back into the darkness and waited for her next
victim. And that is the legend of Alex and the vines.
Part 2
It was that time again the 10th anniversary of Alex and her parents deaths and the book that killed them was
still in that library waiting for someone to check it out. Anna on the other hand was never caught. She still
lingers in the dark waiting for someone to take the book again she has been waiting for 10 years. She is now 23
years old and she killed Alex at nearly 13 years old. She was born a killer and will die one too. Anna was going
to attend the celebration of life that was happening for Alex and her parents because nobody knew that she was
the one that killed them that night.
Anna had arrived at the celebration (but she had to act sad you know since that was her “best friend”) she
was dressed in Alex's favorite color (light blue) to make it believable. Not a bone in her body was feeling sorry
for what she had done in fact she wanted to do it again it made her feel powerful and strong she had no regrets
she loved the thrill of killing especially of Alex’s kill. Anna’s parents were killers as well; they had taught her
everything she knew, like how to cover it up, how to kill, and how to act innocent. Anna had killed Alex by
giving her a book that would kill her but that wasn’t enough she wanted the blood on her hands. She wanted to
physically kill somebody and she thought that the celebration would be the perfect place.
Anna had brought a knife to the party she was going to get someone to go to the bathroom, then tape their
mouth shut, and stab them to death. But other things got in her way. There were cops there because they
thought maybe the killer would come to the party and they could catch them. Anna wasn’t going to let them
stop her. She was ready when she saw someone walking to the bathroom and she followed them to see if she
could successfully kill them. Anna had snuck into the bathroom before the person had gotten in ther she had to
hide quietly so she would not be caught. Anna decided to hide in the cabinet that was next to the sink in the
bathroom. The person that had fallen victim to Anna’s trap was Alex’s sister Caroline; she had been out of town
with her boyfriend when her family was killed.
Caroline never liked Anna when she came over. She always acted strange and was always talking so very
loud. Caroline never suspected a thing. As soon as she was done in the bathroom and went to go wash her
hands Anna had slowly slipped out of the cabinet and held buck tape to her mouth so she couldn’t scream and
threw her on the ground and knocked her out cold. She looked out of the bedroom door to see if anyone was
out there and there wasn’t anything stopping her now she pulled out the knife and started stabbing her she did
not feel anything because she was knocked out cold but now she is dead Anna now had the thrill of killing and
didn’t want to stop she wanted more she wanted to kill but she had to find a way to hide that she killed her so
she had to clean the knife of luckily she had worn gloves when she had touched the knife so she just took one
more stab at her to leave the knife and cleaned up the evidence that she was ever there than ran out to tell
someone that she had walked in on her stabbed.
Anna got away with that kill at first she thought but then the next week after the kill somebody was
knocking on her door she apparently forgot to take the duck tape of of her mouth and it had her finger prints on
it so she was caught and caused of Alex’s and the parents deaths sand was sentenced to life in prison or death.