ii iiiiiiFirst name himiko Last name: isaAge:16Height: 5'8Pronouns: they/themSexuality: omnisexualB-day: February 3rdZodiac: AquariusSword color: red fading in to blueFamily: little brother (Asahi isa)Personality: smart, strong, brave, kind, overthinker,stubborn, protective, independentLikes: fireworks over water, snacks, taking downdemons, rain, little brother, light rain,Green teaDis-likes: demons, thunderstorms, trains,Being alone, lots of people, talking out loud,Hurting others, their scarBreathing form: fire 🔥 and ice 🧊Breathing forms:1: flash of ice2: quick flame3:heat flash5: ice breaker6: slick ice7.icee rain8. Light of fire9.fire ice mix10. Misty memory11.ice storm12.frozen flame13.blue flame14.snow stormMeaning of their first name:sundaughterMeaning of their last name: ice