clownclub chat ^^! (2) (2)
Claudia: [stares, not blinking] which one of you small brained clowns took Pepper?
Mr. Giggles: wut
Emogie: O-O she not talking about me I got a big brain (laughs a little)
Claudia: [giggles] yeah sure ya’ll do, usually-.. [sighs] oh. of course peppers on the table. my god..😭
[he loves food real😒 ]
Mr. Giggles: *chuckles* im hungry
Neo: *sips tea* “I want drama.”
Mr. Giggles: *roles eyes under his mask* course you do
Neo; “at least I don’t have to hide my face-“ *crosses his arms*
Mr. Giggles: i kinda have ya, I can’t take off the mask its a long story
Claudia: then take it off, giggle head, it’s nothing bad.
Mr. Giggles: no like I physically can’t take it off
Emogie: *looks up* … hmmm ig I must of space out O-O, but the mask thing I saw do whatever
makes u feel comfortable 🤷
Mr. Giggles: *sighs* you don’t understand a while ago when i was 11 i made a deal with a demon and
i had to wear the mask and now it’s stuck on my face forever
Claudia: [sighs.] “whatever.”
Neo: *bites Mr.Giggles arm*
mr. Giggles: *stabs Neo in the back*
Neo; (OH.. THINGS ARE SERIOUS NOW.) *freezes, coughing up a bit of blood* “Oh..!”
Mr. Giggles: *smiles under mask and laughs creepily* don’t mess with me *i say in a deeper voice*
(its the demon talking RN)
Emogie:*sits down and east popcorn* ummm I’m just going to watch this fold out
Mr. Giggles: *looks at Emogie* you want this happen to ya to? (The demon is still talking)
Neo; *Just kinda holds onto Mr.Giggles arm* “Uhh…-“
Mr. Giggles: *looks back at Neo* should i just end ya?
Claudia: [gets in between them] “yo. break it up. break it up. Mr Giggles, you stay on that side of the
room, Neo that side, unless you wanna hold hands for 8 hours in Clover’s friendship class.
Emogie: ooooooo~ ya'll got in trouble * pulls out phone and takes a video* know apologize to each
other plzzzzzz
Neo; “I can barely breathe and you want me to apologize? get me healed first, stupid-“
Rain: *pulls out medkit* “Hold still Neo, it might hurt but hold still.” *starts to patch up Neo*
Emogie: oh no no, not u Neo I think Mr,giggles need to say SORRY!
Claudia “you said apologize to each other..” [still visibly angry]
Rob: *yawn* (he woke up from a nappy)
Emogie:*looks over at Rob* HeLoL sleep head!! U miss all of *turns to look at neo and Mr,giggles
*the mess they got into…
Neo; *blinks and waves at Rob*
Rob: *sleepily says hi* (walks into kitchen)
Emogie:*sits down and looks at neo* I’m still pretty new here, is it always like this here?
Mr. Giggles: *walks into the kitchen to clean his knife* what happened to you *Mr. Giggles ask Neo*
(his demon isn’t controlling him anymore so he doesn’t know what happed)
Bringing this back bc i want too ^^
Clownclub chat ^^
Neo; “Uhh.. nothin.”
Claudia: [puts hand on Neo’s shoulder and turns to him, whispering] “that’s- weird, dont’cha think-
wouldn’t he remember-?”
Mr. Giggles: who should remember what?
Emogie:*puts phone down* u don't remember anything? *looks a Claudia*
Mr. Giggles: im confused, what should i remember?
Neo; *sighhhh* “So.. you broke my back because we fu-
Mr. Giggles: i-i broke your back, im sry I didn’t even know i did that
Neo; *giggles a bit* No, no, let me finish- *clears we throat* “we smashed.” *says it seriously*
Mr. Giggle: that sound… wrong
Emogie: it’s totally no wrong it’s so right…
Mr. Giggles: ok…?
Emogie:*looks at Neo then mr giggles* ok
Neo; *laughs even more and gives a fake silly lil wink to Mr.giggles*
Mr. Giggles: *im not gonna ask
Neo; *bats his eyelashes* “Please do.”
Mr. Giggles: nope
Neo; “But pookieeee!” D:
Claudia: shush im trying to find a way to end my suffering
Rob: *walks out kitchen with caseoh’s average meal* “finally done making food TIME TO EAT!”
Ivy: I- um helo? Is that guts..?
Eclipse: why am I friends with you all….. *she facepalams*
Rob: *gives stare of disappointment* “erm if you don’t wanna be
f.r.i.e.n.d.s then just leave.”
Emogie: I think I’ll pass on that meal O-O I don't eat meat
Eclipse:ehhh ill eat :) just wash off the blood