•Bold printed terms Lessons 5, 6, 7, 8 (all of them)
•All 2nd Quarter Story time takeaways
•Questions over Bible classroom procedures (prayer, materials, focus, courteous, etc.)
•Yes/No Christian Worldview Statements
•All TWCA Statements of Faith (numbers 1 – 4)
•Write out your 4 Memory Verses
•Fully Describe what each sentence in This is My Bible means
This is my Bible. (how is the Bible personally yours?)
I am what it says I am. (Describe some things that the Bible says about you)
I can do what it says I can do. (what does the Bible say you can do?)
Today, I will be taught the word of God (talk about how the Word teaches us)
I boldly confess (why must I boldly confess?)
My mind is alert (talk about our minds needing to be alert)
My heart is receptive (what does this mean?)
I will never be the same (what does the Bible say about change or never being the same?)
I am about to receive (how are we able to receive?)
The incorruptible, indestructible… (why is God’ Word incorruptible? Why is God’s Word
Ever-Living Seed of the Word of God (talk about Ever-Living Seed)
I will never be the same, never, never, never. (Talk about how we are saved & never the same
after salvation)
In Jesus Name, Amen. (why must we pray or profess in Jesus’s name?)
•Why do we pray for “First and Best” on Mondays?
•What are the A.C.T.S. of prayer and what do they mean?
•Why are our eyes and shoulders to the “speaker” so important?
•Describe why we should read our Bibles?
•Describe one of the Christian visuals (something on the walls or shelf) in our room 515 and its
Christian meaning.
•Why must we listen to other people’s prayer requests when it’s prayer request day?
•Beside your own, what was your favorite 8 th Grade Devotion and why?
•Describe your favorite book of the Bible and why.
•What have you enjoyed most about our class this semester and why?basildeftitionNOTfirstquarter whatwedoeverydayaboveCourtesywecontinuedACTS acronym:AdorationConfessionThankfulnessSupplication This is my Bible Speech:This is my BibleI am what it says I amI can do what it says I can doToday I will be taught the word of GodI boldly confessMy mind is alertMy heart is receptiveI will never be the sameI am about to receiveThe incorruptibleIndestructibleEverliving seedOf the word of GodI’ll never be the sameNever never neverIn Jesus’ name,Amen