Yall I have news but before that… Y’all why did my mom call the police when I told her I
was going to go to target with my friend she told me ok and then gave me some
money. And then I came back a hour later cus we went to the park right. And then the
police was at my house and she said there you are emma where did you go. Like
whatttttt😭 😭 😭 . Any way I saw my crush yesterday and I was in my school soccer
uniform I looked ugly and my boy best friend who’s my ex 🤭 🤭 was like oh don’t worry
you look good and then he started blushing.and i mean I still like him cus you know he
still has a place in my heart but why did my friends say like 30 minutes later why are
you blushing 🫣 like whattttt ahhh helpppp