Probably quittingbcs of all the dramaI'm NOT going to say whoseside i'm on because i'll just get hateYou can try and convince me not tobut it probably won't workI AM DONEdon't kill yourself don't fake it don'taccuse people of faking itTHIS IS A NOTETAKING APPrespect people's religions wether theymay be Christian Jewish Muslim Hindu Buddhistand ALL other religions Youdon't haveto agree with it but respect it You guys are 11 13 you areacting like 4 year olds ik im going toget hate for this but it doesn't matterMaking this account was a mistakeI just have one request sign thisform below if you agree with me and pledgeto not involve yourself in dramaI am not happy with you allI pledge tonot involve myself in dramaleave my screen and take a break when i get upsetnot try to solve drama as it starts morenot start dramaX hi holaacc name also consider this a ticketof resign for my position at theNotability peacemakersgoodbyeMocha O_O