u gottheU havesiblingsi'bestfriends u need feelin youalwaysneedis ur to sleep to justifyipadsouls f more e yourselfu had a u hear on ur haircrush on what others is dyeda boy seuggna.eshewas aschooldyedyoupretend ur never u used to u don'tsometimeu enoughforwereokay anyonedrinkeatur weren'tEmel dmuch nearlybut actually nothingU like to ur favcoloru think is black redpoint urnails preppynomatter ifur Eglyp purplegreenany boy'su onceu doanyur theonecrush on a who issupposedlysports fell offu had aabalconygirl a psychou draw u would a linedescribe urself you wannamarrypottermuch as beautiful diesobadlystuffSlytherinur room ur alwayslambsbathU Own u havea bestfriend hasthousandso sadanda cat no cluewhyyin reallife neverusedthemu still go u once had ur parentsto school thinkeverythingin schoolyqyeya surgery ur goodis alrightor were