It’s me @moxtrot (Mason / Moxxie) and me friend @rwdpandaq (Reid/Rwd) and also @jennadoesart!(Moxxie’s GF)So this is story-time EP1 S1 (Podcast)So yes it’s me, moxxie. So you might be thinking, “what is ‘The James Incident’?” Basically a kidnamed James in our class went on me and Jenna’s accounts and when he went on mine hesomehow didn’t see my bio about Jenna being my GF and he didn’t see any art about it either. I waslike “Phew”. And it was scary. I’m handing you off to Reid to see his point of view in this.Hey guys I (Reid/Rwd) was right next to Mason during this and I was thinking the whole time “don’tcheck Jenna’s posts.” Because he went through Mason's posts, and Jenna not too long ago hadthat whole ima commit d1e ark and it if he told a teacher she would have to go to therapy which justsucks. Going to Jenna for trivia.Hi it’s J here! Trivia Time, today we have The Owl House trivia. if you get at least two out of threequestions right you get a shoutout.: Question 1. Who is the main character of the Owl House?Ouestion 2. What color were King’s eyes in the pilot? Question 3. What kind of demon is TinellaNosa? That is the end of Trivia Time, back to Mason.Hi I hope James doesn’t see our podcast!!!!! Also what if he finds out I’m pan? 🫡 If he does I don’tknow what I’ll do but yay and I suck :). So don’t tell James if u know how to pls.That is the end of episode 1! Stay tuned for episode 2!