Age: 17
Grade: 10th grade (I got held back because I really don’t wanna do hw..😅 )
Relationship status: classified
Kiss count: 3 (from my ex-._-.)
Fav Artist: I don’t really have one🤷
Fav song: idk, I been listening to die with a smile by Lady Gaga and Bruno
Mars lately
Fav food: pasta noodles:)
Fav show: you already know
Friends: probably like 10-20+
Height: I think around 5’7
Happiness: 5/10 I’m mostly neutral
Fav season: winter, mainly because I hate bugs
Fav Starbucks drink: I don’t drink Starbucks but I did like a drink my mom
got that had strawberries in it
Crush: classified
Piercing: none
Sport: not a sports guy but I do like boxing even if it’s not real