Idc if it's petty >:(((
Makeup story time: This is why, you should never let someone copy your social studies project.So
basically, we had this project where we would choose two ancient civilizations, and compare/
contrast them Lemme explain smth here. The rst person to write down two civilizations got to keep
them, and anyone else had to change theirs.. I chose egypt and greece, the easiest ones, and i was
the very rst to write it down. So then the time came along to read out what civilizations u had. So
someone, who wrote down their civilization afterward, put anicent egypt and greece. Now their
initials are AA so they're top of the list. So when we got down to my name, I was told i would have
to change a civilization! So now, i'm doing some goofy civilization, with no information about it at all.