I ran out of comments but. There is a tracer that got lots ofpeople to go against someone for apparently taking her arteven tho she traced it and now she’s tryna come up withexcuses that make no sense. I’m not going to say who bcthat’s just cruel but I will if they don’t admit to it. Now. Postan apology and stop making excuses! U say u got it fromPinterest but the art wasn’t even in Pinterest! It’s fromTumblr ☺ and u say it’s an Ai but AI’s generate art fromwhat u tell them to do, not from drawings that other humanbeings drew. Last but not least, ur now trying to blame theperson who “stole ur art” but I read the arguments and itmakes absolutely 0 sense. Now. Post the apology already… Hey, I ran out of comments but I wanted to say something.There is a supposed tracer who called out someone forallegedly apparently taking her art even tho her art seemsthat she traces art. Now (imo) she’s tryna come up withexcuses that make no sense to me. I’m not going to saywho bc I want to be respectful and not spread harassmenteven though what they did was wrong. In the best case forthis person is post an apology and admit your mistakes andfaults. You said u got it from Pinterest but I couldn’t even
find it on art Pinterest! It’s from Tumblr mostly likely as Ifound it there. But u say it’s an Ai but AI’s generate art fromwhat u tell them to do (wrong), not from drawings that otherhuman beings drew. Last but not least, now you seemtrying to blame the person who “stole ur art” but I read thearguments and to me it makes absolutely 0 sense. I thinkwe can solve this peacefully and come to a solution if youexplain clearly and honestly but also post a apologyalready…