Alexander Chirinos. My Confirmation Saint Project. 10/8/24To begin with, Saint Peter the Apostle, Simeon Peter, Simon, orCephas, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. He also wasone of the first leaders of the early Christian Church. He became the
first bishop of Rome in not earlier than the middle or late 2nd century,and also the bishop of Antioch. He appears repeatedly andprominently in all New Testament gospels as well as the Acts of theApostles. He is the patron saint of Popes and of Rome and of manycities that bear his name, such as St. Petersburg, and Saint-Pierre.Peter left his fishing net along with his brother Andrew to be called byJesus. Jesus had also given the name he has, which comes fromAramaic word: Kepha meaning “rock”. Peter accompanied Jesus toGalilee, Judea, Jerusalem, and Samaria. Once Pentecost ended, Peterwas the leader of the Apostles. He would then go on and travelthrough Palestine and Asia Minor, performing miracles and convertingmany followers.Originally in the Catholic Church, Peter is considered importantbecause he is believed to be the first pope, then chosen by Jesus tolead the church. A 2nd reason is his leadership role, this is becauseJesus had seen his potential in him. A third reason is the “keys of thekingdom”. Initially in the Bible, Jesus had gave Peter “Keys of theKingdom of Heaven”, which would symbolize his power to open thegates of heaven and guide people to salvation. A fourth reason ismartyrdom.I can relate to him because we both make mistakes. We alsoneed to remember to learn from these mistakes, and not to do it again.That we are both different people, and do different things of ways inlife. Why I can relate to him: We are both human and commit sin. Wealso are God’s people and creation.In conclusion, there are many reasons why Saint Peter is importantto the Catholic Church and faith. One of the reasons was that hebecame the first bishop in not earlier than the second century. It was