Mha x fanf fanfics
Description: mint is your older sister she died at the same
time you did she died at 4 you are the second born afton
you died to Clara abusing you so the other siblings don’t
know you, you got into class 1a and you lied about having
parents in your house until………
Story;……. Mina; hey [your name] can we have a sleepover
at your house? You; sure but my parents are on a trip so
my older sister mint there so sure we can. Bakugo: you got
siblings extra. You; my name is [your name] not extra
and don’t touch any of her stu she violent sometimes
Deku; how is she violent? You; well last time someone hit
me she broke their arm. Denki; geez that violent thing to
do to others you: well she also very hyper too, Mina; so
adhd you: yeah she also has ptdsd so please don’t hit her
*at the sleep over* mintea: your sister hot. You: leave my
sister alone pervert….. hi mint. Mint; hey [your name] I’m
going to work so keep your friends in check before I do got
it you; got it mint and tell boss I can’t make it today k mint.
Mint; sure *after mint left* kirishima: you have a job!? Deku;
why do you have a job!? You; I don’t want to answer that
question but yes I do have a job so don’t ask, Mina; you
should be worried on school not work same with your sister
isn’t she like 17 or something you: my sister is is 17 yes but
she go to work to help our parents and I go to work to get
money for other things Deku; oh that make sense but why
does it look like there only a 2 bedroom house, bakugo:
yeah why is that [your name] Mina and denki; did bakugo
call someone by their real name!? Kirishima: and how come
you never told us your last name the rest of the class; yeah
what up with that you:(in mind; ummm should I tell them
yeah no) I just don’t Like my last name, denki; oh okay we
won’t force you to tell us lida: okay then what should we
do. Mina; play truth or dare. Everyone- Mina : sure/
whatever/yes!!! Mina; I start denki truth or dare. Denki:
dare Mina: I dare you to tell us a secret of your. Denki;
umm I have a twin sister ( my ua he mint twin brother and
you don’t know) everyone except denki: what!!!! *after
multiple truths or dares* momo; [your name] truth or dare
you; ummm truth. Momo;tell us why is your sister named
mint?? You; it a nickname I call her by it because it make
her more comfortable momo: aww that so nice
Part 2:
*later at night* you; I wonder who denki twin sister…*you
are talk to yourself* bakugo; you okay nerd. You: yeah I am
sorry I was talking to my self. Momo: is something wrong [y/
n] you: uh no I was just talking to my self *mint comes
home* Deku; are you sure your okay [y/n] you: yeah ima
sure and hi big sister…. Mint; I got to redye my hair to
brown again can you help me [your name] you; sure sister
*after helping mint dye her hair* mint: thanks sis. You; no
problem mint; you okay [sis/bro] you seem down? You: no
she keep popping up in my head mint; Clara?! You: yeah
kirishima; who is Clara? Momo: yeah who Clara *the whole
class asking questions* mint; STOP ASKING QUESTIONS
sorry for asking
Part 3???.??