So idk if you know, but theirs this girl in my school, and I ENVY HER. she’s got abs. She’s pretty.She can sing. She’s a fkn CHILD MODEL. and since she was 2…SAVE SOME GIRLS FOR ME BRO.SHES TALL AND HAS LONG NICE HAIR AND EVERYTHING. I’m not pretty or skinny or a model😭and I can’t sing like she can- and she has pretty eyes, and mine are just plain dark eyes. Theirbasically black💀 and my real hair is no we’re near long and straight. It’s short and EXTREMELYcurly. It gets tangled easily and looks like a rats nest after i sleep😭 😭 like she makes me wanna getup and start working on my beach body in the middle of October🥲 like seriously I have a 14 minuteworkout after this💀 🤭 🥲 like everyone ik weighs at least 50 pounds less then me…U CALLINGME FAT?! Pls send me workout tips cuz I’m abt to start in abt 5 minutes😁 I’ll give you an Englishsong today to to spare those who listen to to more western artists then they do eastern🤡 love youguys, and bye! Wish me luck🥲 ☺ 😌Can you pay my bills? Can you pay my telephone bills? Do you pay my automo' bills? Ifyou did then maybe we could chill. I don't think you do. So, you and me are through.Bills, Bills, Bills - Destiny’s Child