gorging qonenot racedartistHe seems like a niceguy, don’t get mewrong, I don’t wantpeople to think that Idon’t. He also makeshis own art, which isactually good! I justdon’t like when peopletrace. It isn’t right,especially when youdon’t credit theoriginal artist andclaiming it is yourown.If you aren’t familiar already, jcb45rocks posts wings of Fire art he“drew” and other things of such. H e likes to join in on Remixes, evensome I have joined. For a while now, I’ve noticed his art was fishy,specifically their wof art: They were all different styles and lookedtraced. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of different styles, buthis were way too obviously recognizable. I just had to find the artiststhat I knew were most similar.Below I will show the art of the original artists and his own: All CIbelieveNome Unhown0He has tracedtispatchyLineartandstayed opacityincreastgetiit.mnlihetneWhereopacitys wingsandintheory sailSignaturedrawing's istherestillinpenNotsaying formallyheshould andclearshould'vewiththebutthereisahighligheryeorondavailable whoitistomakethe bysimilareffect It isoverNosig allneatnoteven andobviouslycredit theoriginalI do not know all of the artists, the onesI mention are the only ones I could findand the only ones I knew.I feel thedifferencesare veryclear:The trace is almost “line forline”. Despite some details notbeing added, it is definitelytraced. It is so obvious when itis put next to the real art.I’m aware it is a base, as itis stated in the signature.It’s the fact he traced it. Thebase is meant for him tocolor and make his oc. Notcompletely steal and claim itis his own.Another is with his hascompletely blacked out eyes,and the original has a pupil.I know there are more, but youcan probably figure them out. itO O O 00000This person is probablyrecognizable by most, whichis how I knew it was traced.These are some colored bases I found. Theoriginal base is by Fizzy! on DevianArt. I do notknow this person’s pronouns, but they have- fromwhat I know- two different styles. Which I showabove and left of this paragraph. In Jcb’s art, heonly traced head to half neck down. It seems fromthis collage of his different traced art, he has donethe same with Hive, Ice, Night, Sea, Rain, and theSand Wing tribes by the same person. All of whichhave slight changes and, once looking at theactual art, are very noticeable. HereisanotherhecoloredandpossiblytracedbytuisomeI was able to find another artist he traced.It’s the Rain/Hive Wing hybrid he made. It isn’t as obvious at first, but like I said with theothers, compared it is obvious. He clearly added stuff to it. Not sure if it was to make it lookmore like it was his own and wouldn’t be able to be seen as traced or it was just made to bean oc like any other. With a lot of these, they don’t have names or they are decided by hisfollowing but never end up getting the names. I’m sure some do, though.It seemed to me that a lot of people weren’t awareof this and thought his art was his. I did my best to
find the artists, but only three I could find with theart. I know one of his friends traced another artist,which I was not able to find. I am sorry to the artiststhat I was not able to identify. Tracing is wrong andshouldn’t be done. You can be inspired by their art,but stealing their art completely and saying it isyours isn’t right.