I don’t know if this is important or not to anyone but me, I don’t know. Here it is anyway.
gorging q
not raced
He seems like a nice
guy, don’t get me
wrong, I don’t want
people to think that I
don’t. He also makes
his own art, which is
actually good! I just
don’t like when people
trace. It isn’t right,
especially when you
don’t credit the
original artist and
claiming it is your
If you aren’t familiar already, jcb45rocks posts wings of Fire art he
“drew” and other things of such. H e likes to join in on Remixes, even
some I have joined. For a while now, I’ve noticed his art was shy,
specically their wof art: They were all dierent styles and looked
traced. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of dierent styles, but
his were way too obviously recognizable. I just had to nd the artists
that I knew were most similar.
Below I will show the art of the original artists and his own:
All CIbelieve
Nome Unhown
He has traced
andstayed opacity
opacitys wingsand
intheory sail
Signaturedrawing's istherestillinpen
Notsaying formally
heshould andclearshould've
available whoitis
tomakethe bysimilareffect It isover
Nosig allneat
noteven andobviously
credit theoriginal
I do not know all of the artists, the ones
I mention are the only ones I could nd
and the only ones I knew.
I feel the
are very
The trace is almost “line for
line”. Despite some details not
being added, it is denitely
traced. It is so obvious when it
is put next to the real art.
I’m aware it is a base, as it
is stated in the signature.
It’s the fact he traced it. The
base is meant for him to
color and make his oc. Not
completely steal and claim it
is his own.
Another is with his has
completely blacked out eyes,
and the original has a pupil.
I know there are more, but you
can probably gure them out.
O O O 00000
This person is probably
recognizable by most, which
is how I knew it was traced.
These are some colored bases I found. The
original base is by Fizzy! on DevianArt. I do not
know this person’s pronouns, but they have- from
what I know- two dierent styles. Which I show
above and left of this paragraph. In Jcb’s art, he
only traced head to half neck down. It seems from
this collage of his dierent traced art, he has done
the same with Hive, Ice, Night, Sea, Rain, and the
Sand Wing tribes by the same person. All of which
have slight changes and, once looking at the
actual art, are very noticeable.
I was able to nd another artist he traced.
It’s the Rain/Hive Wing hybrid he made. It isn’t as obvious at rst, but like I said with the
others, compared it is obvious. He clearly added stu to it. Not sure if it was to make it look
more like it was his own and wouldn’t be able to be seen as traced or it was just made to be
an oc like any other. With a lot of these, they don’t have names or they are decided by his
following but never end up getting the names. I’m sure some do, though.
It seemed to me that a lot of people weren’t aware
of this and thought his art was his. I did my best to
nd the artists, but only three I could nd with the
art. I know one of his friends traced another artist,
which I was not able to nd. I am sorry to the artists
that I was not able to identify. Tracing is wrong and
shouldn’t be done. You can be inspired by their art,
but stealing their art completely and saying it is
yours isn’t right.