Students deserve free seating. Lansing Middle School already has free seating, and it’s so nice and chill.There is absolutely, positively no need for assign seating. What I mean is, that a person sees someonesitting alone at lunch, then the person should be nice! Let them sit at that persons table. Let the person’sfriends talk to that somebody who was sitting alone.My personal experience (with no assigned seats) was/is awesome! Nowadays, I sit with my buddy in aclassroom (with an awesome teacher) for lunch because we both really like that teacher. 88% of studentsprefer to not have assigned seats. That is a really big number, considering that (almost) all of thestudents across the globe prefer free seating proves my point exactly.Put this into perspective: two (once extremely close friends) are sitting next to each other. Yesterday theygot into an extravagant fight. Do they want to sit next to each other? Absolutely not! If they continue tosit next to each other, then another gigantic fight will occur in the middle of the lunch room. Everybodywill stare at them. Reputations will be ruined. Nobody would want that. Nobody.As Dwight Eisenhower had once said, “A people that value its privileges above its principles soon losesboth.”Although, assigned seating does make teachers remember where students sit is nice (if the person who isreason is a teacher). In my personal opinion, free seating is way better. Assigned seating only has so fewpros, and much more cons than free seating. This is all just my personal opinion, and I don’t want causecontroversy.-Kate Jacobson6th hour