HinohamptonType of settlement: CitySize of settlement: ModerateNotable areas: A canal network, a farm on the outskirts, a brewer, a tavern, a castle with dungeon, and a famous specialtyshop.Local DistrictsNorthern districts: Ter, Smallmont, Inouyl, and SmallpointsEastern districts: Blackburgh, Mykuning, Adininta, and SishethcottSouthern districts: Nonth, Emer, Trom Town, and FranWestern districts: Froswich, Herederonia, Deteted, and Sphecori SquareCentral districts: Ounoun, Star Bridge, and IthholmFinancial status: ComfortableLocal Government: CompetentGrowth/development: GrowingPublic services: AvailableCrime rate: 0%Cost of living: Very cheapEmployment prospects: GreatAppearanceOverall appearance: NotableUrban area: 25%General construction level: Well-builtGeneral level of upkeep: Well keptGeneral street condition: Often cleanedPeoplePopulation: Disproportionately largeLevel of contentment: HappyRacial diversity: MulticulturalAttitudes towards visitors: WelcomingRegional accent: DistinctiveCrimesSerious Crimes: (Very illegal) Resisting arrest, Slander, Slavery, Animal cruelty, Murder, Indecent exposure, Burglary, Organizedcrime, Child abuse, Torture, Blackmail, Burglary, Manslaughter, Trespassing, Robbery, Arson, Domestic abuse, Drug abuse,Sexual harassment, Verbal abuse Frequently Problematic: (Actively trying to stop) Bribery, Vandalism, LibelPunishments for criminals include:- Admission to a mental facility- A small fine- Flogging****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******Taboos and SocialSocially Accepted Behaviours: - Asking for help, Smoking in public, Public protesting, Witchcraft, AtheismMajor Taboos: Discrimination, Prejudice, AdulteryMinor Taboos: Alcohol consumption in public places like a park, Public drunkennessPunishments for breaking Major taboos include: ShunningPunishments for breaking Minor taboos include: Scolding3 types of coin:Name/(Material):Fin (Copper) |Scanede (Silver) |Thoun (Gold)------------------------(1) Fin(1) Scanede = (15) Fins(1) Thoun = (26) Scanedes or (390) FinsFor ReferenceA loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: (1) Fin======------------------------PEASANT EXPENSES (MONTHLY)Food and provisions: (90) Fin / (6) Scanede.Rent and/or taxes: (29) Scanede / (1.10) Thoun.Misc: (300) Fin / (20) Scanede.Total: (55) Scanede / (2.10) Thoun.------------------------INCOME (MONTHLY)A peasant farmer's earnings: (136) Scanede / (5.24) Thoun.An average citizen's earnings: (244) Scanede / (9.37) Thoun.------------------------PROPERTYA house; cramped but adequate: (19,680) Fin / (1,312) Scanede.A house; average for a peasant: (5,904) Scanede / (227.08) Thoun.A "cheap" luxury house/mansion: (380,808) Fin / (25,387) Scanede. ------------------------ADVENTURING/MISCA room and meal at an inn: (52) Fin / (3) Scanede.A basic horse and its trappings: (349) Scanede / (13.41) Thoun.A week's travelling provisions: (240) Fin / (16) Scanede.