The tree house
The tree house
Once Upon a Tree house there was a tree that lived in the middle of the enchanted forest and he is
the most famous tree in the enchanted forest. So the enchanted tree wish he was a house but he
was too enchanted to be cut down. So he had to stay there forever and ever. There is a enchanted
village that is really really close to the enchanted forest and the enchanted tree is in the middle of it.
So then elves started moving in to the enchanted village. So there was a family of elves that moved
in to the enchanted village. The family had two children, a pet dragon, and a baby elf. So the two
children in that elf family is twins. Their names are Bailey and Bobby. Bailey is a girl and Bobby is a
boy. They are nine years old and they want a treehouse to play in. The baby elf’s name is Josie and
she is eight months old. The mom and dad else names are Tom and Caroline. So there dragons
name is midnight. So they decided to live in the small mushroom house closest to the enchanted
forest. So they started unpacking and Bailey and Bobby wandered o into the enchanted forest. So
they are playing a game and then they got a little too deep in the woods and got lost. Then I found a
enchanted tree. So then they decided it’s the perfect tree to make a treehouse in. They knew they
really really wanted a treehouse to play in. So then they found some old sticks logs and other stu
and started making a ladder so then they can get up the tree. Then they carefully built a treehouse
with mushrooms they found because I didn’t want to hurt the enchanted tree. Also, then the
enchanted tree talked to them. It really spooked Bobby and Bailey out because they never heard of
tree talk. Then they became friends with enchanted tree in the tree. Then let them build a house on
him. So they did. So when they build the treehouse, they had a build a bed and a bathroom and a
kitchen. Then they went to the magical creek and caught sh eat for dinner. Then they slept in a
comfortable bed that are made out of uy marshmallows. So the next day went on, and I live
happily ever after. The end.