Dandy’s world run ideas if you’re bored!
i oegEs
Dont buyfrom dandy and encounter
Twisted Dandy
EEtiri.tn imraeti
Nightmare Run
jfuthentyisted.ee fate is on the floor
gpggggpy.gg to get me on on
Army Run
hyun run but everyone has to be the same
Solo Duo Run
Play By yourself or with a friend
Grind Run
Grind for ichor researchusuallyworks best
in private servers
Twisted Hunt
Hunt for any twisted theres a few tricks
that can help spawn more Twisteds
Main only run
If In
Long Run
Try to get super far
00 Floor run
try to get to floor 100
I reccomend for pros tho
of life run
FLY BITE 9 nd Me
t th
egyptian page to a man mom
Extractor toons and distractor toons switch roles
Team Run
Theres two teams and theyhaleto To
Confused Run
example Twisted Shelly But itsonlyCosmo
Mastery Run
an masteryfortoons that mains requires
BrightneyCosmo Tisha etc
Noob Rm
Be only the lessercommon toons
Poppy Shrimpo Boxten etc
Juggernaut Run
Gastires getmnhdsuy.ie whileeveryone
Theme Run
Everyone has to follow a theme
onlyedible toonscertaincolored toons etc
Ship Run
with someone works onlyin even gr s
ÉoÉenÉd Évet
Everyone has to spin a wheel for their I
toons trinkets
Sneaky Run
Try not to get spotted by a twisted if you
do you have to loose a heart
Event Run
Tifton 2 ie Etienne s don't count
silent Run
No one is allowed to talk only communicate
using body language