i oegEsDont buyfrom dandy and encounterfTwisted DandyEEtiri.tn imraetiNightmare Runjfuthentyisted.ee fate is on the floorµgpggggpy.gg to get me on onArmy Runhyun run but everyone has to be the sameToonSolo Duo RunPlay By yourself or with a friendGrind RunGrind for ichor researchusuallyworks bestin private servers Twisted HuntHunt for any twisted theres a few tricksthat can help spawn more TwistedsMain only runIf InLong RunTry to get super far00 Floor runtry to get to floor 100I reccomend for pros thoof life runFLY BITE 9 nd Met thegyptian page to a man mom SWAP RunExtractor toons and distractor toons switch rolesTeam RunTheres two teams and theyhaleto Tofffhfffhfffaj.fiConfused Runexample Twisted Shelly But itsonlyCosmoMastery Runan masteryfortoons that mains requirespBrightneyCosmo Tisha etcNoob RmBe only the lessercommon toonsPoppy Shrimpo Boxten etcJuggernaut RunGastires getmnhdsuy.ie whileeveryoneFtiesTrinketsitemsskillcheckhealssprintingetc Theme RunEveryone has to follow a themeonlyedible toonscertaincolored toons etcShip Runwith someone works onlyin even gr sÉoÉenÉd ÉvetEveryone has to spin a wheel for their Itoons trinketsSneaky RunTry not to get spotted by a twisted if youdo you have to loose a heartEvent RunTifton 2 ie Etienne s don't countsilent RunNo one is allowed to talk only communicateusing body language