About Me! (Pt 1?? Idk)
(Online) Names: CKS, Star, Kay/Kacey, etc. (These are sm names I’ve used
and are still using)
Age: Nahhhh why would I tell ya’ll? (But you can probably guess because
most people on Nota have a specic age lol)
Likes: Savory things, art, manga (I usually read manga more then watch
anime, actually), my fandoms (Danganronpa, FNaF, Yansim [but not rlly],
TADC, TDLOSK, etc etc)
Dislikes: Spicy food (I have no tolerance), rude ppl (like it makes me
uncomfortable if you’re really ne being rude to strangers), arrogant/
egoistical ppl (Just kind of weird, really.), hypocritical ppl, people who go
out of their way to annoy you/pick me’s, etc.
Personality: INFP-T (Extremely introverted lol), can kind of come off as
distant or cold (I’m very self aware lol), I kinda annoy people when they’re
mad at me (irl) and I use logic to point out that they’re just venting their
anger towards me, extreme procrastinator, has many aws (lol at least they
don’t affect others), etc. (Sometimes I feel like I’m trying to compliment
myself when I notice details about myself, but I’m not lol, if I act humble
for example, I’m not complimenting myself; I just noticed that about
myself that’s all.)
Fav colors: (My persona’s hair color), etc.
Random facts:
I’m Tibetan1.
I’m a girl but any pronouns are ne because I give no shiit—2.
I like horror stuff, but also cute things (I’m not a cutecore fan, mind4.
One time someone tried to bully me for 2 days; I voice recorded them5.
and told them that I would show it to the whatever you call them. They
apologized to me. Yes, I was proud of myself lol.
Bad at socializing LOL6.