I let EO lead out of the cave and I find myself in some sort of mountain chain."Where are we?" I ask EO and marvel at the beautiful scenery. I was on a ledge that jutted out fromthe cave and overlooked the vibrant green forest below.Rocky Mountains in Colorado. It was the closest spot to Kansas that the portal could get us to. It'sabout half a state away from where we need to go. He says in a state-of-fact way and all the brief joyfrom the scenery vanished as I looked at the trek I had ahead of me. I looked around and tried to firstfind a way down from where I was. I stepped and carefully peered over the edge. It was a steep dropand the ground was a terrifying number of feet down. My brain shut down. What? I was TERRIFIEDof heights. and your wondering why I why ride Pegasus if I'm so afraid. because Glory would catchme if I fell off and there were dozens of healers and safety features built by the Hepeastus cabin sonobody got seriously injuired. Out here, where there was nobody and no safety nets or trust worthysteeds to help you, I was deathly afraid. I paled as I looked around and confirmed I was going tohave to climb down."You really couldn't have chosen an easier spot to get me out, or at least further down?" I grumble toEO and try to make myself stretch before the long climb. I realized midway through my first stretchthat this was going to be impossible. I was already exhausted and everything hurt from the past fewdays. I tried to push through the stretchs but I knew there was no way I was going to able to do thisclimb.I can feel your fear. Just climb already. EO says. I glared."You know what I'm thinking. I can't make this climb. I'm going to need help." I tell him. He grumbledto himself.Fine you pathetic mortal. I am sending you something to help you. You have until it gets here to rest.This is the last time I'm so generous. He says and retreats out of my mind. I sighed in relief andwondered what he had sent me. Please don't be anything horrendous and terrible. I pray silently. Itook advantage of the time and leaned against the rock face and tried to sleep. Too many thoughtsand feelings stirred in me for me to properly sleep. I sighed and looked at the sky. fluffy white cloudsdotted the sky. I remmebered something. The clouds reminded me of my dream with Athena. "A linkgoes two ways right? If Ο Κακός can get into your head then can you get into his?". I thought aboutit for a second. Its always worth a try. I think. I search my mind for any sign of EO listening. Nothing. Ibreath a sigh of relief. Sooooo how do I do this? I ask myself and look around. Well first of all, I can'tconcentrate with this rock stabbing my back. I think and walk over to the edge of the cliff and sitright next to the edge. I try to calm myself. The breeze brushed my hair out of my face. It really waslovely outside. I watched a falcon glide over the forest with help from the wind. I wondered what itwould be like to be a bird, being able to fly above everything and let the breeze take all your troublesaway. I would love to fly away from everything and let the wind take all my troubles away. Soaringhigh above everything... snap out of it Audrey. I think and go back to the task at hand. I close myeyes and try to think of ways I could connect with EO. I thought of many things but none seemed towork. I could feel him still, like there was a tiny portal or door that he was behind. The problem wasfiguring out how to open that door. I opened my eyes in frustration and got up and sulked around. Ikicked a rock and it tumbled and fell over the ledge. I cringed at the thuds and echoes it made overthe valley. That would've been me had I tried to climb down. I think darkly and mentally slap myself. Ineed therapy. I think and settle myself again. I imagined the falcon again. The way its wings tiltedand caught the breeze, how it dived and rose with the wind's currents. I thought of something. Ifocused on the image and imagined the falcon as me flying to the door. i flew hard towards the portalbut it got harder and harder to fly towards it as I got closer. Like there was some sort of invisibleforce holding me back. I pushed harder and harder until I wasn't moving at all but was inches fromthe portal. Come on... I'm so close. I think against the force and feel something unlock inside me. Myvision got clearer, my exhaustion disappeared, my wings beating stronger. I cried and used my newstrength to push through the barrier and dive head first into the portal. Dark tentacles pulled methrough faster then I could comprehend. I felt all sorts of evil and hateful emotions as I tumbled intosome sort of twisted world. I realized I was looking at something but not entirely like with my owneyes. Like I was watching from a camera. My head pounded with two different thought trains and I gripped it in pain. I was tempted to yell but I knew that if EO found out I could do this then it wouldbe over. I tried to keep quiet and not move to alert him. I breathed a little when he didn't noticeanything.Need to hurry... Timeline is tomorrow...Pathetic girl... "Need rest blah blah blah."... Sick of needing amortal for this job... Thankfully the mansion is not far... Need to make sure Ζόκε is read- what is that?He thinks and I realize he was searching his mind. Time to bail. I think and try to escape. But it waslike running through the tar pits at camp. I felt his presence combing his mind and he was gettingcloser and closer. Fear spiked and panic took over. I saw the portal and calculated as I ran. EO wasgaining too much for me to be able to make it in time. I need to distract him. I think and wonder howthe heck I could while I was in his mind. I continued on but nothing came to mind. He's gonnarecognize me. I think in defeat. I could really use another boost right now. I think to myself.Something else clicked and miracliously another surge of power shot through me. Thank you. I thinkabout to tear up. I power through and sprint for the door. It was a close one. I dove through theportal right as he stopped on my presence. I sat straight up on the cliff and tried to control mybreathing. I looked around and jumped and fell on my back. I was glowing again. The silver and goldlight radiated from inside me. I watched in shock as it slowly started to fade. And it took my energywith it. Wait, was the little bit of power I got, from my glow?! I try to connect the dots but I could feelmyself slowly slipping. I try to hold on to anything to keep me awake. I grip onto a tiny shred ofenergy and hold on for dear life. Please don't let me slip into the darkness again. I pray silently. Ialmost cried with joy when I was able to stable myself. My glow was almost fully gone except forsome wispy traces up my arms. I looked at them and tried to figure out how I had gotten it to work.Grey had explained that it sometimes turns on when you desperatly need it. I guess I was kind ofdesperate but know I wanted to know how I could fully turn it on when I needed it. EO camebarreling into my mind, sending shockwaves through my conciousness. I cringed.Your help is almost here. Was all he said and I anxiously look around. I saw something move in thedistant and strain to make out what it was. It looked like a cloud but it gleamed pearly white in theevening light. I made a noise that I knew instantly. I broke out in a smile. Glory! I jumped up andpumped my fists as she flew over to me. I was so happy to see her. She looked fine but I would needto look over her when she landed. But wait, how did EO make her come here? and all the way fromCamp in less then a day?! My smile turned into a frown.You may not allow monsters in your camp but you forget that Pegasus are technically monsters. Ihave control over them. So yes, even your precious beast isn't safe. EO says cunningly. I freeze as Iwatch her glide towards me. As she got closer, I noticed she was breathing hard and her wing beatswere weak and wobbly."What did you do to her?!" I accuse him. He laughs.Nothing. You said you needed a way to get down. I gave you that. And it'll make things go fasterwhich is a plus. He says."But you've pushed her too hard! She could've died! She won't be able to go much farther withoutrest!" I say, my voice hitching. He groaned.What is it with you mortals and your pets needed to take a break every five seconds! I'm sick of it.You and your little pet get one, ONE, more break. Take more then one and I will personally take overand make you go until we reach the manison where you will not stop until you have freed me. Choosewisely. He says, his voice rising and echoing so bad that I'm pretty sure my brain vibrated from it. Iwas breathing hard."Yes. Thank you." I say and tremble at the words that come out of my mouth. He calms himself and Iwait as Glory comes ever closer. She was a few dozen yards away when a noise echoed from thecave opening. Both me and EO were startled by it and we turned around. Nothing moved. The noisesounded again and I could swear it sounded human. EO's rage returned, thundering in my head.HOW COULD THIS BE? My servant must've failed me. Useless! He yells and I try to ponder thingsout but it was hard with the wreck EO was making in my head.Hurry up you stupid flying beast! EO shouted and I gripped my head in pain as I heard a faint whinnyin EO's link that made my heart break. Glory was trying but was just so tired. "Hey! Be nice to her!" I yell back at him. He growled at me in my mind and I backed off. Glory was amere 10 yards away when I put together what was in the cave. Two heads popped up out of thecave's mouth. My breath hitched. Ben and Lola were running toward me, each covered in tinyscratchs and looked exhausted but alive. Ben hobbled and leaned on Lola for support which washard for her since she was like half his size. Their alive!! Thank the gods! I say to myself. The bangingin my head intensified. I whimpered in pain and gripped my head."Audrey! Audrey we're here!" Ben yelled out. I wanted to run towards them but the pounding in myhead stopped me from doing anything. I looked at both of them. I have to leave. I think and cursemyself. I stand up straight and push all fear down deep and run to the edge of the cliff. I pushedthrough the tiredness and soreness and jumped. Time slowed as I yelled Glory's name andplummented. The feeling of my stomach in my throat and being weightless made me yell untilsomething collided with me and took the breath out of my lungs. I tried to breath and hang on toGlory's sleek coat but neither was going very well. Come on come on come on! I think and grab afew strands of her mane and pull myself up. I was barely able to as she flew up to try and clear thetreetops. We made it barely and I glanced back at the cliff. It was becoming a distant place now, butI could still see Ben and Lola. Both looked tired and defeated but Ben looked me dead in the eye. Isaw all of my own emotions reflected in those eyes but one. He looked so determined, even thoughhe looked incredibly pale and sickly. I knew what it was and it made my heart break into tiny pieces.Love."I'm sorry." I whisper into the wind as I focus back onto the horizon in front of me.