SoE3_ Chapter 5
Dreams. They always suck, especially if your a demigod. Now, they suck even more— their longer,
and more drawn out; detail by detail. My guess is because I’m an Oracle or what not. So this was
my dream: Giants. Two giants stood, laughing and tormenting. A spear went, and hit something, but
my dream changed. We were at an abandoned farm building, and we huddled in the woods. Knole
was gone, and I had a feeling he was doing something stupid, and crazy. A bomb went o, and me
and Evelyn jumped up, and waited. It changed again, and typhoon stormed in. A man appeared with
black hair and bear, sea green eyes, and beach tanned skin. He wore a Hawaii shirt, khaki shorts,
and had a large golden trident in his hand. Poseidon. He rose o the ground as an aura surrounded
him, and he held his hand (without the trident) up. A tsunami formed. The dream changed yet again,
like my ADHD conversations. Evelyn laid there on the ground. Her stomach was bleeding out, and
and arrow was pulled out. Her face was drained, and her breath short. “I… I see mom.” She said,
slumping back.
My eyes burst open, and I jumped out of the bed. My heart was pounding, and I looked over at
Evelyn, who was sleeping peacefully. I glanced at Knole, who’s goat legs were twitching, but he was
asleep. This felt weird. I couldn’t catch my breath like when I told prophecies. I looked over, and saw
moms old guitar… I had to play. That’s the only way for me to calm down. I stood up, walked over,
grabbed the guitar, and walked out. I closed the door, so I couldn’t wake anyone up.
The sun rise on the ocean was beautiful. I walked over to the bow of the ship, and sat down, and
started to play some. It was relaxing, and I caught my breath in an instant. I continued to play, and
eventually found myself singing along… I wonder if mom or dad did this stu.
“Evelyn wake up.” Someone said shaking me hard. My eyes popped open, and I turned around and
punched someone.
“B-B-BLAH!” Knole bleated. He looked up at me, with so much confusion. “OW!”
“Oh… sorry… PLEASE DON’T DO THAT EVER AGAIN!” I snapped. Knole nodded, groaned, and
rubbed his nose.
“Got it.” He said checking to make sure he wasn’t bleeding.
He stood up, and shook his head around. “Your really strong… my head kinda hurts.” He said softly.
“Not like Cypher.” I said softly.
He nodded in agreement. “True… speaking of the guy, come check this out.” He said starting to
walk o.
I groaned. I wanted to sleep— I really needed it. Knole turned and looked at me. He walked over
and extended a hand. I was glad it was dark in the room, because my face was red. I took his hand,
and he pulled me up. We walked over to the door, and I head the guitar playing from outside. I
opened the door slightly, and heard him… sing?
“ ‘There's this movie that I think you'll like. This guy decides to quit his job and heads to New York
City. This cowboy's running from himself…. And she's been living on the highest shelf…’”
I glanced at Knole, who was watching him carefully. Knole was thinking hard. He looked at me, and
gave a small smile.
“I uh… well… Cypher wanted me to tell you something too…” He said nervously.
I looked at him. “What?”
Knole seemed uneasy, and said. “Um… well I… I uh— I was supposed to tell you that Greyson says
hi.” He said softly against his will.
I wondered what the heck he was talking about but I smiled. “Thanks.” I said softly.
“ ‘Lady, running down to the riptide. Taken away to the dark side, I wanna be your left-hand man. I
love you when you're singing that song, and I got a lump in my throat 'Cause you're gonna sing the
words wrong…’”
I looked at Knole, who stood up. I pulled him down, and he looked at me.
“Yeah?” He asked me.
I looked at him carefully as my heart pounded. What the heck am I doing, I thought carefully.
“I… stay… please.”
He smiled, and sat down. His face was red, and I looked away.
“You um… you look pretty.” He said smiling.
My face went redder, and I pulled my hair down.
“Well… I guess.”
“GUESS?!” He bleated. “Your better than all of the models in this mortal world!” He snapped.
My heart raised, and I looked up at him. His face got pink, and he looked away, and started
scratching his horns.
“Well… I mean…. If you want to be pretty and stu.”
I smiled, and shrugged. “I mean… I guess.” I said laughing softly.
“ ‘Lady, running down to the riptide, Taken away to the dark side I wanna be your left-hand man. I
love you when you're singing that song, And I got a lump in my throat 'Cause you're gonna sing the
words wrong.’”
Knole stood up, and extended a hand, and I took it. He pulled me up and spun me around.
“ ‘Oh lady, running down to the riptide Taken away to the dark side I wanna be your left-hand man. I
love you when you're singing that song, And I got a lump in my throat 'Cause you're gonna sing the
words wrong. Yeah, I got a lump in my throat 'Cause you're gonna sing the words wrong.’”
Knole smiled, but then ripped over his hoove. We came tumbling through the door.
I stopped playing, and I heard a bang. I looked up, and Evelyn and Knole were on the ground, and
staring at me. My face ushed a bright red, and I glared at them.
“Um… how long were you guys there for?”
“Long enough.” Knole said getting up.
He helped Evelyn up, and there faces went red.
I didn’t know what the heck was happening, but I was hopeful. Their eyes met, and they stared at
each other like they did last year. I smirked, and ipped my guitar over my back. Knole broke eye
contact and looked at his hand, that held Evelyn’s. They pulled away in an instant, and Knole walked
away, and so did Evelyn. He went inside, and Evelyn walked over to me.
“Don’t say a word.” She snapped before I could.
I smirked, and she sat down, where I was playing the guitar. I smiled, and sat down next to her.
“Um… you should play that song for CJ. She’d like that.” Evelyn said softly.
My face heated up, and I shrugged. “Okay… I’m close though. She’s warming up to me.” I said
Evelyn smiled, and looked back inside. I put an arm around my sister, and she pushed it o.
“Cypher, your arm is to big.” She said softly.
“No it’s not. I get that I’m a big kid but gosh… ‘Cypher I’m embarrassed that me and my crush are
hanging out’—”
“Shut up!” She said angrily.
I snickered, and grabbed her. She tried to push my arm o, but gave up.
“You suck.” She said in a pout.
“So I’ve been told. CJ says I’m great at that.” I said smiling.
Evelyn nodded, and looked back inside. I knew that she felt bad about liking Knole, but she gave a
small smile.
“So… when are we getting to Florida.”
“Tomorrow. It’s going to be exactly two days at sea.” I said just knowing again. Evelyn nodded.
“Okay, but do you really like him… what would you do for him … DO YOU LIKE HIM YES OR NO?!”
I said shamim her. I wanted to see her answer.
“Of course I do. I’d die for him. I’d literally do ANYTHING for him… okay not anything but you get
the point.” She said softly.
“Have you told him that… exactly word for word?”
Evelyn looked up at me like I was a the Chupacabra. “No, why would I?”
Gosh. At least me an CJ knew we liked each other. She just kept rejecting me for fun… not that I
think of that, that’s cold blooded, but I liked it. I looked up at the sky, and imagined her ying with
her ying shoes on. Gosh she was pretty. I looked at Evelyn, and smiled.
“Come on, let’s get breakfast.”