Rough day:
Today has been a rough day, so in the middle of the day yesterday I developed pink eye and even
though my mom knows im not supposed to she sent me to school anyway. I keep my locker slightly
cracked open so im not late to class because my 2nd period is on the OTHER SIDE OF THE
SCHOOL and guys think its funny to slam peoples lockers shut so when i get back from rst period
my magnet, mirror, and whiteboard fall out of my lockerrrrrr and then i lose my magnet that was
already broken from people slamming my locker door shut so i will nd that some other day lol but
my math binder is so fat i have to take my back pack out of my locker while trying to pick up an 8
pound binder with one hand and my other hand is in pain from holding everything I put my social
studies notebook in my locker to clear up some space in my hands so it wont hurt as bad you
know? Well every single paper falls out and then i keep it in my locker with my knee! And then i
have to bend down to grab some papers that fall out and then all of the papers scatter across the
hallway and then the bell rings and there was three teachers who could of helped and I KNOW SAW
ME STRUGGLING but they didn’t give a duck so i pick everything up and then on my way to the
other side of the school for a hour long class i start crying because things aren’t going my way
today i get into class the teacher is right in front of the freaking door like MOVE IM TRYING TO
ENTEERRRRR she doesn’t even notice im late or crying but other people do and they have the
nerve to ask me why its like do I look like i wanna talk about it!?!?!?!?!??!?!? And people keep
asking i have pink eye like ask anyone in this school they would know because they asked to when i
say yes their like you know your not supposed to be here right? I KNOW IM NOT STUPID!!!!!!! Like
let me have a break either way im leaving in an hour for a dr app for my eye because every time i
look to the side BOTH of my eyes hurt