SociologyThe study of human beingsthe study of how we live togetherthe policiesestablish rules to create ordera science of social lifeWhat sociology isntinterested in people but not love peopleisnt a practice is an attempt to understandnot super quantitativeDistinguishing SociologySoc more concerned with how people interact tnot what is going on in someone's headanthropologist is qualitative while soc was morequantitativelinked to the Industrial RevolutionMarrying for love became more populardivorce increased toochanged how children were seenChildren became seen as blessings instead offarm handsStarted using social science to explain things insteadof ReligionComtecoined the term sociologyoriginally called social physicsthe queen of the sciencesDurkheimthought comte was too vaguetrying to empirically show how human forces effect Functionalism Durkheim 1858 1916Conflict Theory MarxSymbolic Interaction Goffman CooleyFunctionalismthings serve a functionSociety t systema macro theorylooking at institutionsfocus on the parts of societyfamilyidentify the systems of the functionfamilies socialize t raise childrenequilibriumfocus on the ways institutions rely on anotherhow it contributes to the function of the wholea change in one area can change anotheAs there an increase of mothers w preschoolerthen moreMerton 11968 writes about dysfunction of socieGans 11972 wrote about the function tdysfunction of povertyfunction makes sure the dirty work getsdonecreates jobs for people who serve thepoordysfunction intensifies problems in societyworse healthNot good at dealing w historyExaggerate in some senseToo accepting of the status quoDurkheim 183Div of labor in societysocial solidarityearly societies mechanical solidaritymuch solid no specialization senseof onenessmodern societies organic solidarityvery specific form of industrynarrow specialitiesvery little people are fully self sufficientwe rely on another so we feel connectedSocial Factsaspects of social lifeindependent realitycan constrain behaviorNormsTake on a quality of a thingprovide pressureDurkheim1897 Suicidelooking at rates of suicideTrying to refute some theories about suicideSaid suicide is explainable by social factsprotestants committed suicide at higher rates thanCatholicsSocial solidarityThose who have strong connections t are responsible forothers are less likely to commit suicideMarx1818 1883devoted to explaining how capatilism shapedsocietyargue that profit is made through the working class Wor get us than they giveConflict Theoryemphasize the process of changefocus on interest that divide peoplethe role of coersion t controlderived from Marxinspired by Marx but not just hisgains for one group means loss for anotherWeber 1864 1920influenced by Marxbuilt a more multidimensional view of societyVerstehen understanding social behavior throughthose actually in itIdeal typeThe Protestant Ethic the spirit of Capitalismprotestant supported capitalismCalvinist thought every soul waspredestined for heaven or hellmaterial success became a sign for being one ofthe savedStatus is prestigetitlefancy carsVeblen 1899parvenu new moneyconspiciuos consumptionIts not enough to get t hold power to haveprestigeHaving the latest t greatest is a symbolic way toshow prestigestatus is more about consumptionWeber cont party is bout po erNot just about moneypower of persuasionBurreacracyideal type portrays the principle characteristics ofa phenomenonideal type of burrecracyideal types aren't realisticW.E.B DuBois 1868 1963wasn't acknowledged for a whilecombining objectivity activismDouble conciousnessBeing an American but also being blackThe veil metaphorworn by blacks because they see the worlddifferentlySocializationThe process of social interaction that people obtain skilltransforms us into peopleSociety is dependent on socializationparents in charge of socializationSignificant other parentgeneralizingthrough primary socialization you develop an identityCan't pick your parentsSocialization is never finishedsecondary socializationhappens through friends teachersrole specific knowledgeemotionalconnection not needed with secondary socializationAgents of secondary socialization are interchangeable Me p opponent second ry ocialization a more impo tanthan othersBeclur Becoming a Marijuana userstarts marijuana for pleasureFirst stage proper techniqueSecond perceived effectsThird Enjoy effectssome people feel super paranoid while highMoresLawssocial expectationsConfomidity t devianceStructural Strain Functionalist view of devianceRitualism Don't care about the goal you are justdoing the jobRetreatism reject both the goals t means but still have normsLabeling TheoryThere is no act that is completely legal or illegalbehavior that is deviant but goes unnoticedSecondary deviancy