Intro to Sociology: Unit 1 Notes
SociologyThe study of human beings
the study of how we live together
the policies
establish rules to create order
a science of social life
What sociology isnt
interested in people but not love people
isnt a practice is an attempt to understand
not super quantitative
Distinguishing Sociology
Soc more concerned with how people interact t
not what is going on in someone's head
anthropologist is qualitative while soc was more
linked to the Industrial Revolution
Marrying for love became more popular
divorce increased too
changed how children were seen
Children became seen as blessings instead of
farm hands
Started using social science to explain things instead
of Religion
coined the term sociology
originally called social physics
the queen of the sciences
thought comte was too vague
trying to empirically show how human forces effect
Functionalism Durkheim 1858 1916
Conflict Theory Marx
Symbolic Interaction Goffman Cooley
things serve a function
Society t system
a macro theory
looking at institutions
focus on the parts of society
identify the systems of the function
families socialize t raise children
focus on the ways institutions rely on another
how it contributes to the function of the whole
a change in one area can change anothe
As there an increase of mothers w preschooler
then more
Merton 11968 writes about dysfunction of socie
Gans 11972 wrote about the function t
dysfunction of poverty
function makes sure the dirty work gets
creates jobs for people who serve the
dysfunction intensifies problems in society
worse health
Not good at dealing w history
Exaggerate in some sense
Too accepting of the status quo
Div of labor in society
social solidarity
early societies mechanical solidarity
much solid no specialization sense
of oneness
modern societies organic solidarity
very specific form of industry
narrow specialities
very little people are fully self sufficient
we rely on another so we feel connected
Social Facts
aspects of social life
independent reality
can constrain behavior
Take on a quality of a thing
provide pressure
1897 Suicide
looking at rates of suicide
Trying to refute some theories about suicide
Said suicide is explainable by social facts
protestants committed suicide at higher rates than
Social solidarity
Those who have strong connections t are responsible for
others are less likely to commit suicide
1818 1883
devoted to explaining how capatilism shaped
argue that profit is made through the working class
Wor get us than they give
Conflict Theory
emphasize the process of change
focus on interest that divide people
the role of coersion t control
derived from Marx
inspired by Marx but not just his
gains for one group means loss for another
Weber 1864 1920
influenced by Marx
built a more multidimensional view of society
Verstehen understanding social behavior through
those actually in it
Ideal typeThe Protestant Ethic the spirit of Capitalism
protestant supported capitalism
Calvinist thought every soul was
predestined for heaven or hell
material success became a sign for being one of
the saved
Status is prestige
fancy cars
Veblen 1899
parvenu new money
conspiciuos consumption
Its not enough to get t hold power to have
Having the latest t greatest is a symbolic way to
show prestige
status is more about consumption
Weber cont
party is bout po er
Not just about money
power of persuasion
ideal type portrays the principle characteristics of
a phenomenon
ideal type of burrecracy
ideal types aren't realistic
W.E.B DuBois 1868 1963
wasn't acknowledged for a while
combining objectivity activism
Double conciousness
Being an American but also being black
The veil metaphor
worn by blacks because they see the world
The process of social interaction that people obtain skill
transforms us into people
Society is dependent on socialization
parents in charge of socialization
Significant other parent
through primary socialization you develop an identity
Can't pick your parents
Socialization is never finished
secondary socialization
happens through friends teachers
role specific knowledge
emotionalconnection not needed with secondary socialization
Agents of secondary socialization are interchangeable
Me p opponent second ry ocialization a more impo tan
than others
Beclur Becoming a Marijuana user
starts marijuana for pleasure
First stage proper technique
Second perceived effects
Third Enjoy effects
some people feel super paranoid while high
social expectations
Confomidity t deviance
Structural Strain Functionalist view of deviance
Ritualism Don't care about the goal you are justdoing the job
Retreatism reject both the goals t means but still have norms
Labeling TheoryThere is no act that is completely legal or illegal
behavior that is deviant but goes unnoticed
Secondary deviancy