10th Grade Busy Ending
Hey everyone!
Sorry for not posting things for a while. I have been working on Final Exam study guides for the past two
weeks. This week is my last week of school before summer break. This week, on Friday, I must turn in my
school iPad, which means I will not be active for a whole week. Next week I will be enjoying my summer break,
but the week after next week, I am returning to school for summer school. Last year I attended summer
school so I don’t have to take a history class durning the school year. When I return to school for summer
school, I will be getting my iPad back. For the next few weeks, I will be active and have my iPad for school and
to catch up on anything I missed. After Summer School ends, I must return my school iPad, but don’t worry, I
will be getting it back for the next school year. Next school year will be my junior year! Can’t wait! Being a
Junior also means that I must really focus on my classes since colleges really look at peoples 11th Grade
school year.
On my “Your Icon” post, I’m doing a project on making anyone who comments for me to make their icon and
posting it. I would like to apologize to @mhalover for continuing to put off making their icon and posting it.
I’ve been forgetting to finish it, but they had changed their icon so I’ve been very confused on which icon they
want me to do.
@mhalover, if you see this post, please comment and tell me which icon you wanted me to do. I am basically
done with the Kirishima icon that you had a first, but if you wish for me to change it to your present account
icon, I can do that, but it might take me a bit since I will have my school iPad not with me after this week.
LOVE YOU GUYS! Can’t wait for my Junior Year! 💕
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