2nd1st QuarterBookreportThe New Girl by Jesse Q. Sutanto“He crashes down on top of me, and I’m winded again. His body massis sickening, terrifying, an alien grabbing me. His heat envelopes me, theweight of him shockingly real. So heavy, like a boulder crushing me. Hishard flesh is on mine, and though I try to turn, he’s too heavy for me tobudge. He’s too strong, too big for me to push off. I claw for something.Anything. A rock. I grip it so hard, its sharp edge bites into my palm. Iswing it—sudden hot pain rips through my arm. He bit me! I shriek,dropping the rock. Mr. Werner lunges for it and swings at my head. Itwist my head around, and the rock bashes into the ground, less than aninch from my skull. I feel the rush of wind against my skin, the savagethunk the rock makes. Mr. Werner isn’t holding back. He means to crushmy skull like an egg. Terror pounds through my veins. I will die here. Hisrancid breath is hot on my face, and the weight of him on top of me isso solid, so real. Oh god, this is truly happening. I fling my fist at hisface, but it barely does anything. We’re both snarling, panting like dogs,limbs flailing everywhere, eyes barely seeing, uncomprehending what’sgoing on.”In the Hall With the Knife by DianaPeterfreund“She’d hardly gotten past the threshold when she tripped oversomething and fell. Orchid threw out her arms to catch herself beforeshe slammed into the hard, tiled floor, but instead she hit a soft, bulkymass, the rolled into yet another frigid puddle. The windows must havebroken in here, too was her first hazy thought. And then she looked at herarms, which were bathed in red. And two feet away lay a crumpledform. His skin was gray. His mouth was slack. His pale fingers stillclutched the handle of the knife jutting out of his chest. But it was hiseyes that terrified her the most. Flat, unblinking, and staring right ather.”When one of the book report questions is to find imagery inyour book (in which I choose my fav type of book which isMURDER MYSTERY!) and you choose the most good/violent/worst/exciting/terrible to write down and submit.(AKAME>:D)