Characters I dislike because of how much people coddle themHe was a terrible person that did terrible things, but thefandom completely did a 180 on him when he startedbeing all cuckoo and depressed. They all are obsessedwith him and it’s so annoying “EArtH this and eaRTH that”he’s the primary focus and the attention they give himisn’t normal and totally mischaracterizing. Stop makinghim have problems he doesn’t have, stop giving himrelationships he would never be in, and stop treating himinappropriately. I don’t like the guy but the fandom makesme hate him.Players are upset because in the game she is said to beforgotten and is ignored, which is sad. But then peopleoverdramatize it and it’s annoying, we get it. You can makeangst out of it, but don’t overdo it please. Every time I seemention of her it’s all baby talk and poor Shelly, there’s somuch more to a character than a singular adversity. Makingher unacknowledged presence her only trait and thenbabying her to an extreme degree upsets me. The other toonsdon’t even hate her, they just don’t really converse with her.And it’s normal to be left out, but if literally everyone youknow ignores you and most aren’t bitter in nature then maybeyou’re the issue lol. Just provide something to theconversation and interest people, and maybe find morehobbies than just dinosaurs because maybe that’s why no onetalks to you LOOOOOOLLL JKJK I LOVE SHELLY BUT HATE HOWPEOPLE TREAT HER I just don’t like how he’s popular forthe wrong reasons lol, do I need toexplain why the fandom ruined himfor me?Why did the fandom turn them into soft, weird,and babyish characters. They always do this whensomeone has a slightly timid or awkwardpersonality and it’s annoying, and then they pairthem with another character who’s more brashand outgoing and then they have an extremelyinappropriate relationship. Please stop, Iunderstand people can have their fun but wheneveryone is doing it everywhere I go it just bothersme.