Bible Study of the dayMarch,4,2024Joshua 1:9Have I not commanded you? Be strongand courageous. Do not be afraid; do notbe discouraged, for the LORD your Godwill be with you wherever you go.”What does it mean?This verse is not very complex likeother ones. It doesn’t need muchexplaining but it is saying to not bescared because God is with you, willprovide for you, and keep you safe.if How does it apply to my life?It applies to your life because it assuresyou that God was and always will bewith you and watching over you.Therefore, there is no reason to beafraid or scared.Prayer:Dear God, please help me to trust thatyou will keep me safe, that you arealways with me, and for me to not beafraid because I have you within me.Amen.BE