After we ate, we went up stairs to my room. “I’ll sleep on the floor” Apollosaid. “No it’s fine you can sleep on my bed with me, plus my room getsreally cold somehow” I told him. “Fine I’ll sleep next to you” He said. I laidon my bed and covered myself with my blanket, he laid next to me andcovered himself with my blanket as well. I turned to him and looked at him.We both smiled at each, I played with his hair for a while, Apollo slowlylays his hand on my hand. I start turning red. What am doing I have aboyfriend! But to be honest I like Apollo more than Way-Len, I sat up andturned on my tv. He looks at me and I look at him, my hearts pounding andit feels like it’s going to explode. I can’t help but admire him and his smile,“I know you have a boyfriend… but can I give you a kiss?” Apollo askedme. I blushed and looked away. “I’m sorry for the weird question” He said. Ifelt bad so I turned around plus what can one kiss do? “No need toapologize” I told him. I sat on his lap and laid my hands on his shoulders. Ilooked a face “wait are you sure? You don’t have to if you don’t want to”Apollo said, “No, I want to” I told him. I laid my forehead on his forehead,we made eye contact and pulled our lips toward each other. We kissed fortwo minutes and pulled our lips apart. We looked at each other andlaughed. “What are we going to tell Way-Len?” I asked Apollo. “Well, Idon’t know” he said. “Do you like me?” I asked. The room fell into instantsilence for a minute, “Yeah, I really like you” Apollo finally said. I blushed“I like you as well, but Way-Len…” I stopped before I said anything else.“You can just break up with-“It’s not easy to leave him” I interrupted Apollowith a heavy sigh. “It’s ok if he does anything to you just tell me ok?”Apollo said. He pulled me close to him and hugged me tightly, I hugged himback and started crying. He rubbed my back “There, there, you’re safe withme” he said laying his head on my shoulder. He laid down while huggingme I felt so warm. “How come you never told me?” He said. “Well, I justkept it well hidden” I told him. As he hugged me he slowly started to rubmy back again. Laying next to him while cuddling with him was the bestthing to have ever happen to me. He kissed my head. “Get some rest now”Apollo said. He pulled me closer and fell asleep. I felt so warm with Apollokeeping me close to him. I’m glad to have met him. But I still can’t get overthe fact that I haven’t told my parents I’m gay yet. I’ll tell them when I’mready. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.