bye (for now…) 😭
hi people :) as you know my head was kinda hurting during school and when I came home my mom
took my temperature and apparently I have a fever 😭 I’m not going to school for the next few
days to be at home and stuff and I should be posting a lot and I’ll try but my head hurts a lot 😭
I’m sowwy everyone cya soon <33
For @donut_the_dodo
*clears throat* DESTINY OML WHERE WERE U? me and Charlie waited in the bathroom for like 10
minutes and we were like where is Destiny 😭 u were supposed to come to Morton’s bathroom I
told u 😤 so u didn’t get to hug me too bad 😒 like where were u? Anyways I’m not coming to
school tell the gc pls 💕
bye everyone <33
don’t miss me too much 😏