FS2 Chapter 51
I was so tired but I fought to stay awake in case EO counted me sleeping on Glory's back our one
rest. And with the fact that Lola and Ben we're still following us made EO scream in my head, giving
me the worst headache I've ever had. But I was thankful for it because it kept me awake.
I was more worried about Glory at this point. She looked on the verge of collapse and kept falling out
of the air before catching herself. Her breathing was also way out of line and erratic. I have to land.
She won't make it much further. I think despreately and I reluctantly inform EO I'm taking our tiny and
only break. He scoffed but let me land. Glory stuttered on her landing and tumbled. I was thrown
from her back and hit a tree. I gasped for air, finding none and panicked. It did come back and I
winced at the sharp pain. possible broken rib. I think and curse. I hobbled over to Glory and tried to
help her but she was not doing well. She just laid there, trying to wheeze in air. I rubbed her muzzle
trying to calm her but it did very little. It hurt so bad to see her like this. She almost looked like when I
first found her all those years ago. I was 5 or 6. Mom and Dad had brought me and Grey to Camp for
the summer to visit everyone when I had ventured off and found myself lost in the woods. I had been
scared but then I had heard some whinnying and I had followed the sound. Sure enough, there she
was. Barely a few days old and struggling. I wasn't scared because my mom had showed me her
Pegasus, Silverwing, and let me fly on her. I didn't know what I was doing until I walked over and put
my hand on her muzzle and rubbed it. She had calmed down instantly and looked me dead in the
eye. I helped her up and I talked to her as we walked back to camp. Everyone was thrilled to see me
since I had been missing for quite some time. My mom had run up to me and asked if I was alright. I
had told her I was fine and introduced her to my new friend. Mom had been so surprised and Chiron
too. They said she was a special Pegasus but didn't know what type. I hadn't paid much attention
because, well, I was five. When Mom tried to pet her, Glory backed away and tried to kicked her.
Everyone was fascinated by the fact that she would only let me near her. They agreed that I could
have her since I had found her and saved her. It's one of the only memories i have of me being that
age or younger. I didn't realize that Glory had calmed down while I was reliving. I looked at her and
realized I was glowing again. My hand was warm against her muzzle and she was breathing normal.
She was glowing as well, but hers was not excatly like mine. Hers had the gold but instead of silver it
was a pure white. She looked so peaceful. Of course EO had to ruin the moment. He crashed in and
ordered that we only have two hours. My spirits sank as he retreated into his portal. I settled down
and let my glow fizzle out. It didn't make me very tired though. Even though I stopped, Glory didn't.
Her glow was a soft light that lit up the small forest area we were in. I sighed and rested on her and I
remembered a time I had done something like this with her. A long time ago. I let the happy memory
carry me to sleep's embrace. EO let me know when it was time, and very loudly I might add. Glory
had stopped glowing and looked better but I still saw the quiver in her legs and wings from working
too hard. I rubbed her down and made sure she was ready before we took off. I wanted to stay in the
tiny grove and rest there, alone in nature and away from the world. I guess you always want what you
don't have. I'll always remember this though. I tell myself and wearily climb onto Glory. Together, the
two of us flew the entire night and and into the morning. EO seemed to get louder and more excited
the closer we got. I thought my head was going to explode from his overwhemling thoughts along
with mine. I did think mainly about my visit to EO's mind when he wasn't really paying attention. I
wondered if I could do it again but with him on high alert it seemed like a bad idea. And I was too
tired to try. I debated sleeping while Glory flew but decided against it. I also tried to think about what
had started my glow up again. I made a mental list of all the variables.
1: high adrenaline spikes
2: imminent danger
3: whatever happened in the grove.
I remember Grey explaining that he had unlocked it by finding out who he really was. I thought I had
a good grasp on who I was, but it still didn't work. maybe mines something different. I think
disappointingly. I sighed and looked at the world below. We were only a couple dozen miles away
now. but it felt like an eternity away. Glory felt the same way. We both were limping across the finish
line. The nagging feeling of calm before the storm loomed over us. I did pass out but EO didn't notice
thankfully. Which was good because I slipped into my mental state and didn't realize I was flying
again towards the portal. I tried to resist but my curiousity got the better of me and I pushed through.
It was easier this time. I slipped through and just listened. I watched the same location but this time a
weird being kneeled before wherever EO was. He was all greens and purples and was covered in a
mix of scales, fur, and skin. it was hideous to look at but I tried to listen to their conversation.
"We need to prepare for the weakling. She holds the key but she will resist at first. I need you ready
to begin the process the minute she enters the chamber. It'll be too late to reverse the transformation
at that point." EO tells the thing. It nods.
"Exalted One, does she know what you intend to do?" It asks and I was surprised at the comment.
EO scoffs.
"Of course not idiot! she would've never gone through with it on her own free will if she knew and the
curse can only be broken if she does it herself." EO says with disdain. It nods.
"I see. I will be ready oh Powerful One." It says and hobbles off. EO sighs and thinks about what he
has to do. I paled and wanted to yell out in rage and despair at the thought. no no no no no no no no
no no no no no no no no no. I think over and over and I'm sucked out of the portal. I almost fell off
Glory when I startled up. She swerved and I recovered. She whinnyed, as if to ask if I was ok. I broke
"I'm not ok Glory. What he has planned... its..." I didn't get anything else out. I think the ghost was
right. There is no hope. I won't get to say goodbye. I think and exhausted tears stream down my
face. I looked up and saw the sun and somehow knew what time it was exactly. 1:32. The sun
seemed to be staring at me. I thought about my grandfather, Apollo. I didn't think about him very
much, since I favored the Athena part of me more. Maybe hes watching me right now. I think.
"Grandfather, if your there, please let me know. I know I haven't paid much attention to you but
please give me a sign." I say silently. I waited and nothing happened. I looked down, slightly
disappointed he hadn't given me anything. I didn't know I was falling asleep till I woke up in another
dream. I was in a familiar grassy field and panicked thinking it was EO again. But instead, a tanned
blonde-headed guy in his 20s sat in a lawn chair, sipping a Diet Coke.
"Hey kiddo." He says and gets up. His golden hair was in a man bun and he wore a hawaiian shirt
thta was unbuttoned and a plain white shirt underneath and khakis.
"Apollo?" I asked. He raised his arms in a wide gesture.
"The one and only!" He says and smiles. I just stood there.
"So, how's it going?" He asks. I was taken aback. Emotions swirled in me. The two biggest were
rage and grief. Who was he to ask this question when he knew full well how I was doing. He sits in
his comfy throne and watches all of us die for the gods and for what?! I wanted to bite back a remark
SOOOOO badly but I was too tired to care at this point.
"Fine, thanks for asking." I say and let a tiny bit of malice slip in my tone. He just stands there.
"Look kid, none of us wanted to send you on this quest. It was a slim vote. But we needed someone
like you to have even the slightest chance." He explains and walks over to me. I scoffed a bit.
"I know, Athena already told me." I tell him. He sighs.
"Big sis always ruining everything. Look I didn't want to send you on this. I like your family. Your dad
is my son and your brother chose me." He says.
"Then why help me? Why bring me here?" I ask him. He let out a big breath.
"I don't know. There's nothing I can do which sucks but I thought it might be nice to just chat before
everything goes down." He says. I was almost touched by the fact he did want to talk to me. Almost.
"Well theres not much to talk about. The world is gonna end because of me tomorrow and I'm never
gonna see my family again and its all my fault." I tell him and sit down on the side of the hill and tuck
my knees in. He sat down next to me and let out a sigh.
"This is hard for me to say since well I'm a god but I guess its not all your fault. The vote decided
you were the one and that vote was decided by the gods. I'm also not great with this feelings stuff
but I know that you can't give up yet." He says.
"There's no way for me to beat this guy. He's too many steps ahead. He's killing the only people I
love and if going through with this means they live then so be it." I say and get up. He stands up too.
He didn't say anything but chuckled.
"whats so funny?" I ask him heatedly. He broke into even more laughter.
"I'm *wheeze* sorry its just that *wheeze* you sound so much like *wheeze* your parents and
Athena." He says and laughs. I was confused. He finally stopped.
"Your parents were willing to pay the same price as you for each other. Your mother when she
sacfriced herself with the Hellhound and your dad with the Chimera. Astraea did the same too know
that I think about it. Actually, many people do that. Heros mainly have this trait. And your one of
them. See how their fine and happy? You can beat this dude. You just to use that awesome Apollo
and Athena brain to figure it out." He says and I was moved by it. Tears threatened to fall.
"Thank you." I say softly.
"No problem! whats the best grandpa in the world for?" He says and that earns a tiny laugh from me
since he looked nothing like a grandpa.
"Well kiddo, you have to get back to Rayli before Ο Κακός finds out about our little chat." He says
and the world blurs.
"wait! before you go can you please tell my family something for me?" I ask him. I'm sucked into
reality. I sigh and lean against Glory's head again but this time, something crinkled against my head.
I looked at the tiny piece of parchment and was confused. I read the tiny ink on the top corner.
To Audrey, this will record you and write your words on the paper. When your done, whisper the
address of where you would like it to go and it'll send. Pretty cool huh? Love you kiddo! Apollo.
I smiled and almost started crying. I looked at the tiny piece of paper and tried to think of what to
say. I looked at the horizon and saw a stone rectangle covered in shadow rapidly approaching. No!
its too soon! I need more time! I think and look at the paper.
"Here goes nothing." I say and grasp the piece of paper. Nothing happened.
"how do you work this thing?" I say and words jot down on the paper.
"oh I guess its already on. Well hi mom and dad. And Grey too if hes there. Um, its been a crazy
couple of days um... Yea if your reading this or whatever I just want to say I'm sorry. Yall were the
best family I could ask for and at times I took it for granted but now looking back I see how incredible
my life was." I sat there for a second.
"I know yall are probably wondering when I'll be home but... I won't be able to come back. I'm sorry
Grey I broke my promise and made this into a whole mess. And only I can fix it. So thats what I'm
going to do. EO has promised he'll spare yall and all of our friends and family if I go through with this.
He has this plan and having seen it... I'm scared. Not scared, terrified. I had hoped to find a way to
win, but there is no winning situation here. I just hope yall can forgive me. If the enevitable does
happen, there something I have that nobody has seen yet but I think it's time. Under my bed, toward
the back behind the boxes, is a small box with all my keepsakes. In there, theres a drawing I had
hanging up but took it down. It should have all of us on it. Look on the back. It's the only part of me
nobody knew about. It needs to updated but it'll be something to remember me by." I explain and
tears roll down my cheek. Glory was only a mile or two out from the mansion. I sighed.
"I love yall. More then you'll ever know. Tell Lola and Ben I'm sorry." I say and put the paper down. it
stopped glowing and I took in a shakey breath. I whispered my address into it and it vanished into
the air. Glory was about to land. I looked at the setting sun. Thank you Grandpa. I think silently and
let the hordes of monsters below guide Glory down and towards the mansion.