Cultural Psychology: Multicultural Worlds
irritable homesickone experiences
frommovingto a new culture
thrill of newexperiences wearsoff
experiencesbecometiring difficult
maytake more lesstime
dependingon the cultural
difference inthe move
doesNOThappenfor everyone
mayfollowmore negativepatternformigrantsinethicallyhomogenouscountry
reverse culture shock u shape occurs afterreturninghome
used as variabletohelp us predictwhowill do the
best in acculturatinghowever
stereotype threat
fear that one might do something that will
inadvertently confirm a negative stereotype
reminders of marginalized identitystereotypes
can impact
self esteem
community esteem
achievement goals
lendingbicultural people's'ttodephrotel show clearly psychological tendencies between
those of their 2 cultures
longer greater exposure greater blending
Yichitiratifeopiestendency to switch between different cultural selves
switchingthought patterns between cultures depending on context
cultural knowledge is stored in the mind
cultural tendencies can be activated primed
ros of havingmulticulturalbackground
greater creativity
ons of having multicultural background
greater moralflexibility the belief that right wrong are not absolute t
depend on different cultural factors