Read the nextpage for confirmationinstructionsDi Oc forSALEhtt Payment optionsf A full body2 bustsyAn ocOr you can ask meif you want to do smtEts If you want the oc, make a note saying you want the oc,what your going to pay with (payment options above),tag me, and I’ll either confirm it or deny it.The oc is yours when you finish your paymentFor example, if I confirm your offer of a fullbody, it’s notyours yet. Once you finish the fullbody then the oc isyours.If I deny your offer then don’t do the payment, the ocwon’t be yours.If I confirm yours but you decide you don’t want it, tellme so I can repost it for others to buy.If you have any questions, make a note with it and tagme.***The oc will probably go to one of the first people tooffer for her.