I would probably run in first(I’m very competitive)When the first guy dies I’d beshocked, but snap out of itwhen I see the old guy runand stuffI would pick the star (cause Ihad no clue what dalgona wasb4 I watched the show)But I would win cause I’m aformer finger artist and I usean Apple Pencil so easy winThis one I’d probably lose, but I’lljust stay with another team andhope for the best, cause idk I’mstrong but cause I’m a girl idk ifthey’ll take me I’m antisocial and would make nofriends, so I’ll just go withwhoever is available and challengethem to a game of who can drawthe best picture in the sand. Iwin againI would choose number 11 (one ofmy lucky numbers), and when it’smy turn dash across as fast aspossible. If I fall, I would holdonto the bars and grapple across.Boom, I win again.I would choose offense then ram intothe defense and win (I actually don’tknow about this one but whatever)Then I’m 45.6 million USD richer and Ican finally go on a shopping spree.I would hide in acorner or high bed