Hinen RY21934-LType: Earth-like PlanetSky Color: Turquoise, dark grey and aquamarineMoons (3): Ekaledi | Awhe | BandPlanetary Ring: Large, low-density, and madeprimarily of rock.------------------------Planet Stats------------------------Size: 1.09 x Earth= 13904.04Gravity: 1.45 x Earth's gravity= 14.22015Temperature range:Low: -18°CHigh: 42°CAverage surface temperature: 12°C / 53.6°FWater Prevalence: 36%: (26% Surface water / 10% Subterranean)Earth life: Suitable for Earth-based life.------------------------Planet Motion------------------------Length of Day: 12 hoursLength of Year: 174 Earth daysSeasonal variations: None: Hinen RY21934-L's circular orbit means temperature variations are caused by the day/night cycleonly.JurerThis tiny continent is Polar in the North, and Cold in the South. The continent sits close to the edge of a tectonic plate; theNorth-Western part of the land features a mountainous ridge. Jurer has 28 active volcanoes and several dormant ones., anddoes not experience any earthquakes. The winds in this region are generally strong, with large storms and extreme weatherbeing a daily occurrences. The seas surrounding Jurer are usually calmer. Jurer is home to a very small variety of creaturesand plants. This large Alpine tundra is around 483 kilometres from North to South, and roughly 420 kilometres across fromEast to West, covering almost 78,300 sq km. The summer lasts for 43 days, with high temperatures of 8°F. During thewinter, the average temperature is -1.5°F°F, with lows of -11°F. It is home to around 200 hardy plants and 50 species ofanimals, including 10 large species.Plew This small continent sits completely within a Cold region. Plew is geologically calm; there is little tectonic activity in this region;there are no mountains in the land. Plew the continent has no volcanoes, and never experiences earthquakes. The winds in thisregion are often gentle, with large storms and extreme weather being infrequent. The seas surrounding Plew are usually rough.Plew is lacking in the diversity in its plants and animals. This large, frozen desert is around 2,073 kilometres from North toSouth, and roughly 1,621 kilometres across from East to West, covering almost 1,297,016 sq km. It is showing little change insize. It is covered in a thick layer of snow that forms massive dunes, and has an average temperature of °F, with highs of53°F and lows of 9°F. It is home to 2 species of large predators, and fresh water can be found in one oasis hidden deep inthe desert. There is a swamp to the North, a wasteland to the South, a tundra to the East, and farmland to the West.ChriconeThis large continent stretches across multiple regions, from Temperate in the North, past the equator, all the way through toPolar in the South. The continent lies over multiple tectonic boundaries; a large mountain range stretches across the middle ofthe land to theWestern edge. Chricone has multiple active volcanoes, and earthquakes are very frequent. The winds in thisregion are frequently mild, with large storms and extreme weather being infrequent. The sea to the East is difficult to traverse,while the seas to the West and North are calmer. Chricone is home to only a few species of animals and plants. This mountainrange is 6,835 kilometres long, reaches 12,329 meters at its highest point, and there are many sheer cliffs and drops. Mostof the lower range is covered in deep snow and gravel, and the weather is usually snowy. The upper regions frequentlyexperience snowfall. There is a tundra to the North, an ocean to the South, an expanse of low hills to the East, and a forest tothe West.HouteniThis modestly-sized continent stretches across several climate regions, from Temperate in the North, through to Tropical inthe South. One side of continent lies on a tectonic boundary; the South-Western part of the land has a few mountain rangesand many deep canyons. Houteni has a few active volcanoes, and does not experience any earthquakes. The winds in thisregion are always inconsistent, with large storms and extreme weather being a daily occurrences. The seas surroundingHouteni are usually wild. Houteni is home to only a few species of animals and plants.OunThis modestly-sized continent stretches across several climate regions, from Tropical in the North, through to Polar in theSouth. Oun is geologically inactive; there is no tectonic activity in this region; there are no mountains in the land. Oun thecontinent has no volcanic activity, and earthquakes are very rare and very weak. The winds in this region are frequently mild,with large storms and extreme weather being very rare. The seas to the North and West are treacherous, while the sea to theEast is calmer. Oun is home to a small variety of creatures and plants, and a modest amount of those are found only in thisregion.QuuekThis moderately-sized continent stretches across several climate regions, from Polar in the North, through to Hot in the South.Quuek sits far from the tectonic boundaries; there are no mountains; only large hills at best. Quuek the continent has no volcanoes, and never experiences earthquakes. The winds in this region are often relentless, with large storms and extremeweather being common. The seas surrounding Quuek are frequently difficult to traverse. Quuek is home to a limited variety ofcreatures and plants, and a large amount of those are found only in this region.#1 - Flower type: Annual (Grows the first year, flowers the second year, then dies)This big flower grows up to 6.8 feet (2.1 meters) tall.Its green stem is wispy, and the tiny, slate or beige leaves are light aquamarine on the underside and are pleated with toothededges. Many leaves grow along the entire length of the stem.4 to 8 medium-sized flowers grow on alternate sides up the length of the stem. The flowers are 30 cm (11.8 inches) wide, withpetals that are generally silver; each flower tends to be a variation of this colour. The flower head is made up of 10 petals inraised layers. They detach easily.It has a faint scent that smells like fermented fruit, and it has very little pollen; it does not cause any allergic reactions. It ispollinated by insects and is visited by a large variety of them.---Grass Facts1 - It is suitable for use as a construction material2 - It comes in 69 varieties.3 - It's often found in places thought to be enchanted.4 - It's known for its rapid growth rate.------------------------#2 - Shrub type: Deciduous (Grows the first year, flowers the second year, then dies)This short shrub grows up to 1 foot (30.5 cm) tall and lives for decades, with the oldest known specimen being around 168years old. It is somewhat resistant to disease and destructive insect infestation.It has numerous flexible, straight stems covered in fine, rough, black with white speckled bark, and the wood inside is black.The branches are very long and thin with dozens of twigs that and are covered with sparse amounts of giant, needle-like,leaves with jagged edges. The leaves themselves are solid lime with red edges, sturdy and fuzzy.It produces balls of medium-sized, caramel flowers with perforated petals. They detach easily and have a powerful scent thatsmells like rotting meat. In late spring it forms medium-sized, cream aril (seeds with fleshy covers).---Grass Facts1 - It is said to be the favourite flower of a legendary person.2 - It is suitable for making baskets and the like3 - It is bio-luminescent.4 - It is possible to grow it from cuttings.------------------------#3 - Succulent type: Caudiciform (Stores water in the thickened base of its stem)This colossal caudiciform grows up to 138 feet (42.1 meters) tall. The sickle shaped stem is moss green, and is covered inhundreds of flexible slate spines. It has a straight, slender, slate trunk atop a wide stilted platform of cracked, exposed roots.The branches are very thick and gray-green and are very long and thin.The wavy-edged, spear shaped leaves are orange on the edges and azure at the center. They are strong and flexible, and do not detach easily.It is very fast growing, taking 5 months to reach maturity. Once mature, and only under the right conditions, a single flowerwith petals that are aquamarine on the edges and bronze at the center grows at the top, reappearing after 7 years, but onlywhen the conditions are right again. The flower head is an uncoordinated mess of 30 curved petals. It has a powerful scentthat smells like rotting meat.The caudiciform's skin is extremely thick, the crimson flesh is waxy, and the purple sap is thin.---Grass Facts1 - It is often referred to as the most beautiful of all flowers.2 - It is favoured by pollinators.3 - It is suitable for making strong rope4 - It grows well in the sun and full shade.------------------------#4 - Moss type: MossThis emerald moss is commonly found growing in giant clumps In marshes, In moorlands, and In heathlands.It is short, growing up to 3 inches (8 cm) tall. It forms in thin clumps, and is overwhelmingly flimsy; it dislikes being stepped on.When mature, emerald heart-shaped capsules grow at the end of short, lime green sporophytes, eventually opening up during themid-summer to release dozens of spores.---Grass Facts1 - It's known for its low maintenance needs.2 - It is suitable for making paper3 - It comes in 18 varieties, each with a different petal colour.------------------------#5 - Moss type: MossThis yellow-green moss is commonly found growing in giant clumps In moorlands, In rainy mountain ranges, and In bogs.It is average-sized, growing up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall. It forms in thick clumps, and is extremely rigid; it struggles more thanmost during dry spells.When mature, emerald V-shaped capsules grow at the end of long, lime green sporophytes, eventually opening up during the lateautumn to release hundreds of spores; it can cause allergic reactions.---Grass Facts1 - It shimmers under moonlight.2 - It's known to improve air quality.3 - It has a natural resistance to common plant diseases, making it easy to maintain.4 - It is suitable for creating strong, durable textiles------------------------#6 - Climbing plant type: Creeper (Grows along the ground or other low surfaces.)This huge creeper is a very slow growing plant, with the largest known specimen reaching a length of 633 feet (192.9 meters)and growing as high as 784 feet (239.0 meters).