Licaria SchoolFORShapeshifting witchesNEWSLETTERTomorrow's a full moon Students are encouraged to pick upheadphonesfrom Miss Lantins office as to notbe awoken by ourWerewolf proffesorspeers In other news the Stag statue hasfinally been returned to the fountain Whoever took it you knowWho you are Butthanks for returning it That's all for todaybut wish our duel team luck at this weeks matchHeadmistriss InfoFIiiiii.nii.isTTTTEiEEi nameiOliviawilsonlant.nlaliases MissOwl or MissLantiniiiiiiii.fianimatorman onPronouns SheherfunfactsShe'stends to collect shinythingsanytimeShe's Madembarrassed itquite literallyruffles her feathersreads the dictionaryfor fun Uttara School mToonoooof itit NecromancyandNEWSLETTER The Undead NEWSLETTEReminder for all Students please do not leave looselimbs in the common rooms Also to the student missing aleft knee please come tothe office to claim it as it has beenfound In other news our cheer team is hosting tryouts inthe gym from 12pm 2am besure to Stop by if interestedHeadmistrissInfoorNameAlkestis Camilla Evodiaaliases ProffesorAlk t.ttoo a tftfffef1etif1fifyTypeofundead VampirePronouns Sheherfun facts ICan't understand sarcasm sFEETSomeof her Students believe sheis Secretly marriedAlwayscarries Sunscreen