Guys!! We cant let this happen!
Guys! My friend @soaart is quitting 😢 because she is
getting bullied for her art! Sign below to keep her on the
moth444 ava burton
wargjian froggyAj
jello999 kiwi
Sofia art
pumpkin cake don't listen to
ace wolf
they obviously aren't them follow your
a friend if they say heart your ant
inspires me
that YOU BETTER Please stay
IIIagy if you
Epic Sans
Sign here:
I know it Hurts but
trust me it’s no
reason to quit I
had a hater too
and now we talk
all the time u have
so many
supporters that
love your art don’t
let on little obsticall
get in your way u
are amazingly
talented and we
love your art
Please stay! Your art is amazing!
And who cares about what other
people say. The only thing that
matters is if you like your art!