Clue 🔍 paragraph 1.
Theo tucks in his tie he sees a limbo Park in the parking lot, Theo grabs the umbrella next to him and runs to the back
door, as he opens the door the guy in the car falls face flat on the ground, “are you ok sir?” Says Theo holding in laughter,
Theo picks holds his hand out to help the guy, as the guy takes his Theo smiles slightly because he has been holding in the
laughter for a while, “thank you sir” The guy from the limbo says, “your very welcome, now let’s get in side and get you
dried up, I’m sure that you are soaked” Theo replies. As Theo walks the guy he feels like someone was watching him but
he doesn’t bother to look back, as the get in side Theo walks upstairs to get a towel, two minutes later he get downstairs
and give the guy a towel and a robe, “you may borrow my robe and towel sir…” Theo stops and tries to remember the guys
name. The guy has light purple hair that looks like cotton candy, black eyes that look like a endless void, and light skin.
“Ah, yes, your name is Elio right” Theo questions the guy, “yes my name is Elio, you must be the the butler named Theo,
right?” Elio replies, “Theo yes that is, in fact my name” Theo replies with a smile, “the guest room is upstairs, take a left
after you see a black door with blue lights on it” Theo tells Elio, “Do you mind walking me there, I’m afraid I’ll get lost in
this huge mansion, you see my mansion isn’t as big as this one, and-” “Yes, course I’ll take you there sir” Theo replies. As
Theo walks Elio upstairs to the restroom Maverick grabs Theo by the arm “what do you think your doing with my guest
Theo” Maverick says with a rough voice “I’m just talking ONE of your guests to one of their rooms, as you can see he got
soaked in the rain when getting out of his limbo… now may you let go of my arm, it’s very unpleasant” Theo says. “Ah,
very good then, go back to your duties, and while your at it take the rest of my guest to their rooms too, I don’t want them
to get tired and sleep on the couch” Maverick says with a calm collective voice. Theo walks Elio to his room and offers him
water, Elio replies with a “no thank you” and Theo closed the door and walked down stairs, as he was headed downstairs
he was thinking if he should quit his job, “You seem a little happy tonight” Maverick grabs Theo by his shoulder,
startling the living hell out of him, “tell me what’s in that head of your” Maverick tells Theo, Theo picks up his hand and
shows him a cut from a while ago “Im just enjoying the pain I’ve been enduring since the morning, master” Theo told him
in a calm collective voice! “My, my, allow me to tend to your injury Theo” Maverick says with a smirk, “no thanks you,
for I know I’ll have to repay you with something disgusting ” Theo says in a casual voice . “I’ll be heading down’s stairs
know” Theo says. Maverick walks up stairs and head to his office. Theo waits by the door, he turns around to look at the
staircase, as he turns he sees Elio in the robe he gave him. “Looks like you are having fun in that robe, huh” Theo says in a
teasing tone, “it’s really comfy p, thank you for letting me borrow it, you must be really cold so I brung a blanket while
you wait for the rest of the guest to arrive” Elio replies with a smile, Theo slightly blushes “thanks you Elio, your are too
kind” Theo says in a cheerful voice, “If you like I can stay here and keep you company” Elio tells him. “I’d like that” Theo
replies with a smile.