My eyes popped open, and I sat up. Big mistakes. My head suddenly felt like a pimpleunder pressure, and someone pushed me back down.“Sit down you idiot!”I opened my eyes, and the fogginess started to leave. Greyson sat with medical stuff, andChiara was sitting right next to me.“Breath man.” Greyson said handing me some nectar.I nodded and breathed some, and wen to take the nectar. I pulled my hand out ofsomething, and looked to see Chiara’s hand. Our faces went red as I took the nectar. Ididn’t dare glance over.“So, what happened?” Chiara asked through her blush.Huh… what did happen? Oh… yeah. It took me a good second to remember everything,and I explained. Greyson and Chiara listened well, but we’re both surprised. Soon, Chironand Cypher came in and I had to tell the story again.Chiron nodded, and talked to Cypher about it, then came back. He seemed older just fromwhat happened, like it had happened before.“We can not dwell on the past, but only on what’s to come. A war is coming, and you haveto stop it.” He said darkly.“Me?!” I asked pointing to myself.Cypher nodded. “Yeah.” He said softly. Considering that this guy sung ‘This Girl is on Fire’a week ago— like a boss—, he seemed uneasy and nervous.I mean, I was too.“For now, you need rest.” Chiron said simply. “You two have done well, but now it is time toleave.” He told Greyson and Chiara.They gave me one last look before saying goodbye, and they seemed nervous for me. Ididn’t really want to sleep, but my body betrayed me, and I drifted off.I looked around, and was falling. I looked down, and saw Chiara in my arms. She lookedabout sixteen, and looked terrified. I saw green water, and pushed her away and fell in.Soon, my dream changed. I was standing in New York City, and an army of monsterssnarled. I looked at Greyson, who once again looked sixteen. He had a golden and greyaura around him, and he shot his arrows, and started taking on the army with the girlnamed Fiona on their own. The dream changed again, and I was pinned against a wall andmy soul was being drained out of me.“Minyay?”I looked up as I was choking do death. The ghost of my mother stood, which the ghost ofMera.I was now falling again through a shadowy world, as things yelled at me.‘You don’t belong’‘Your alone’‘Nobody truly cares for the children of Hades’ Finally. It took three days but they let me out of camp. I truly do care about Camp Half-Blood, but I couldn’t stay. I knew I’d get tired of the place, and I didn’t want to. Theygave us all a bead this year. It was black, and had the mark of Hades. Shocker. I was themain event that happened.I sat in my cabin, and just chilled. There was nothing I wanted to do at all. I stuck myhand out, and focused hard. I looked to see a shard of the black stone popping from theearth, and a part of a bone. Not to bad, but I still couldn’t do anything on purpose.A knock came at the cabin door, and I looked up.“Yeah?”Greyson came in, and his backside was packed.“Woah it’s dark in here.” He said blinking hard.I nodded, and walked over. I put my hands in my pocket and looked up at him. Gosh Ihated being short.“Hey… I wanted to ask where you were going?” He asked looking down.“What do you mean?”Greyson looked up at me. “You were talking about how you didn’t want to stay for theschool year here at camp, and how you were thinking about trying the foster care stuffhere in New York. Let me tell you, it’s still not going to be great. So, o wanted to offeryou staying with me.” He said softly.My eyes widened and I looked at him. “Are you serious?”Greyson nodded. “Your the brother I never had man. I can mess with you, and poke funwith you more than I can with my sister, Audrey. Remember her?”“Yeah.”“I have to talk to my parents first, but I wanted to know if you’d be interested.” He saidsoftly. I stared at him for a minute. This literally was happening… I could have some sortof home.“Yeah.” I said softly. “I’d want to come.” I said softly.Greyson looked at me and smiled. “We’ll get packing man. My parents are almost here.”I looked at my backpack that still had one extra pair of clothes. I only had two— and yes,I do wash my clothes! I’m not a behemoth.“I’m packed man, let’s go.”We walked out of the cabin area, and met up with his sister Audrey. She was sweet, butwhen Greyson told her I might be staying her eyes widened in a ‘Oh heck no!’.Meh, I’m used to it.“Hey.”I looked up as Chiara ran over. Her mech-match eyes gleamed in the sunlight, and shesmiled.“Hi.” I said softly. “Are you leaving?” She asked carefully.I nodded. “Yeah… are you?”She shook her head. “I live here.” She said giving a small smile. I nodded, and looked ather again. I scratched my neck, and looked at her.“I— I’ll miss you.” I said softly, looking down.Her face went a bright red and she looked down too. “I’ll miss you too Emo.”“Emo? Seriously? You spend to much time with Greyson.” I complained.Chiara laughed, and shook her head. “Okay and?” She looked up, as someone called hername. “Till next year Erebus.” She said running off.I smiled and looked at Greyson.“Ooooooo is someone feeling brain messages to make him feel pleasure?!” Greyson mocked.“What?” Audrey said raising an eyebrow.“Shut up.” I said through my own blush.|Greyson|It took a while for his parents to get there, and when they did they raised an eyebrow atErebus. He was completely scetch with the whole ‘I’m Emo’ thing. His black eyes alwayslooked soulless, and his pale skin made him look ghostly.“Mom… Dad, this is my friend and he needs a place to stay.” He said simply.Mom and Dad looked at each other, and Greyson knew there thought. ‘Who is this kid? Heseems really suspicious’. Dad pulled Mom aside, and they talked for a bit.“Okay. He can come.” Dad finally said.Greyson smiled, and his Mom shook Erebus’s hand.“What’s your name?”“Erebus, Son of Hades.”