Get to Know YourDISTRICTSThe Games are fast approaching! Take thisopportunity to get to know the districts thathelp support your beloved Capitol.Love your labor.Take pride in your task.Remember, your future is in our hands. District 1“District 1 makes the luxury goods that decorate and beautify our greatCapitol. It’s excellent taste and craftsmanship keep Capitol residentsbewigged and bedazzled year-round.”-A statement from Octavius Deniumont, Capitol ResidentCurrently, District 1 has a population of 24,315, making it the 9th largestdistrict in Panem .District 1 sits above the northern border of the Capitol, where theAmerican states Montana, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming used to be.It is bordered by District 4 to the west, District 7 to the north, andDistrict 5 to the south.District 1 has a tesserae rate of 0.069 tesserae per person and a tesseraepercentage of 6.96%.District 1’s traditional color is citadel green, with a color code of#88844. This color is believed to represent the olive branch that District1 offers from the districts to the Capitol.District 2“Our nation would be nothing without District 2's superb stonework,weaponry, and peacekeeping training facilities. District 2 build,fortifies, and protects our cities and its citizens are known individuallyfor their strength.”-statement from Maximillian Everglow, Capitol ResidentCurrently, District 2 has a population of 231,354, making it the 2ndlargest district in Panem.District 2 lies to the south of the Capitol, over where ruins the Americanstates Colorado and New Mexico are. This district features the beautifulRocky Mountains.It is bordered by District 8 to the east, District 10 to the south, andDistrict 5 to the west.District 2 has a tesserae rate of 0.008 tesserae per person and a tesseraepercentage of 0.873%.District 2’s traditional color is red oxide, with a color code of #5a2520.This color represents the strength of its citizens and the blood that theirtributes spill annually in the Hunger Games. District 3“Panem is one of the most advanced nations in mankind’s history, thanks tothe efforts of District 3. Its computers keep us all connected and it’selectronic gadgets keep us all entertained.”- a statement from Celestia Chime, Capitol residentCurrently, Distirct 3 has a population of 195,329, making it the 3rdlargest district in Panem.District 3 lies behind the eastern border of the Capitol, where theAmerican states Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Minnesota.It is bordered by District 12 to the east, District 8 to the south,District 9 to the west, and District 6 to the north.District 3 has a tesserae rate of of 0.322 tesserae per person and atesserae percentage of 32.27%.Disrict 3’s traditional color is palomino beige, with a color code of#ba7e48. It symbolizes efficiency, practicality, stability, intellect, andinnovation, reflecting their technological expertise and contributions tothe Capitol's advancements.District 4“Do you like seafood? Shrimp and crabmeat? Often overlooked, District 4plays an essential role, bringing us th bounty of the sea. These citizensare adept with nets and tridents, and can swim like fish themselves.”-statement from Pageilus Thling, Capitol residentCurrently, District 4 has a population of 111,453, making it the 7thlargest district in Panem.Distirct 4 is situated on the western coast of Panem, encompassing the pastterritories of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington.It is bordered by District 7 to the north, District 1 to the east, andDistirct 5 to the southeast.District 4 has a tesserae rate of 0.236 tesserae per person and a tesseraepercentage of 23.67%.District 4’s traditional color is plantation teal, with a color code of#415149, being known to symbolize the seas and lakes which District 4provides for the Capitol from.