ur part oIgbtgthave a u once ur not goodsketch burn brokeany w talkingtoI am book where bone other peopleLesbian when I meetu draw ur never newpeoplemypain win goeshighandI willsoon softur head ur screenur battery ur sometimes time is overis sometimesvery loudand is always verysensitive 6 hours adayu cen'tsleep town yeah when I have no5 1 Efim because I am drawing f B 51nF's24736015 Imagery.ie gmgdbgggysetimeur playin u doninstrumentt he u lovean ur handwriting asia asianppl to stare atfood cultureandpianoI thinkmyHECK ya handwrithingis cute they are soIplayukulele whenthey IjustdeathstarethembackPrettyHandsomeI ftp.hahtgy.ctassmeU SOME ur afraid you lovesayur heirtimes of what food is mediumotherswillneed ais saladHonestly IDKmyfavoritefoodIDK whatpeopleÉt É guwere youngfamily to bed latebut I do U playedInisdisappointment to stay upearlywhen alil psychowhyMyfathersaidIII ye ur mindtome younever games inIdidlistenlikeneverwhen u andheu like to wear ur friendseactuallyhateevery dresses got weird way toooftenthingabout namesI am beautifulI think Iane e gYea I isyou cuterinthem yeah our names HIII.IE gh