Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future OR 150 years into the future?Would you rather have telekinesis (moving things with your mind) OR telepathy (reading minds)DC OR Marvel?Would you rather be forced to sing OR dance along to every song you hear?Would you rather always be under-dressed OR over-dressed?Would you rather everyone be able to read your mind OR your search history?Would you rather lose your sight OR your memories?Would you rather swim in a pool full of Nutella OR a pool full of syrup?Would you rather never be able to go out during the day OR never be able to go out at night?Would you rather win an Oscar OR a Grammy?Would you rather lounge by the pool OR on the beach?AM oosanswAM myansweMarvelallthewayloveMarvelsomuchGazingvoicelovetosingallisweirddontmindatBruhmysearchhistorysomepartsofmylifeIwanttohavelost forgetbothYum I nutellayummyIwouldeatallofitIleavethebeachCY's