@nick_draws: how long have you two talked for? A month? A year? A week?@the_superb_jakedubs: Prblly for at least 3-4 months@nick_draws: oh 👌 hmmmm, so try texting her and asking how was her day, does she usuallytext first or do you?@the_suoerb_jakedubs: usually i do, i’ll text her rn but then what?Also I might get picked up soon so I might not respond immediately buti’m ok for rn@nick_draws: that fine dw about, after your done asking her how she is doing, say somethingyou would always say you know keep it slow and steady don’t jump to the big question yet@the_superb_jakedubs: kk i’ve got to go rn so i’ll respond in like 30-40 min or smth@nick_draws: hmmm 🤔 idk I’ll probably be finishing my art project by then but I’ll tell youtomorrow if I can, just keep being yourself for now, ok?